terraforming mars corporation tier list

), (Requires -20 C or warmer. Raise temperature 1 step, and place 1 ocean tile. (Requires Venus 10%. Increase your heat production and Energy production 3 steps each. ), (Action: Spend 10MC to increase your heat production 2 steps. MAY BE PLACED WHERE YOU ALREADY HAVE A COLONY. ), (Increase your titanium production 1 step for every 2 Earth tags you have in play, including this. (Requires Venus 12%. Geekdo, BoardGameGeek, the Geekdo logo, and the BoardGameGeek logo are trademarks of BoardGameGeek, LLC. ), (Effect: Each new adjacency between your tile and an opponent's tile gives you a standard resource of your choice (regardless of who just placed a tile). ), (You start with 3 heat production and 42 MC. STEEL MAY BE USED as if you were playing a Building card. ), EFFECT: MARKED AREAS ARE RESERVED FOR YOU. ), (Effect: Gain 3 plant. ), (Requires a Jovian tag. There are definitely more strategies out there than just what Ive listed here But hopefully reading about some of the most popular ones will give you an idea of where to start looking when trying out Terraforming Mars yourself. AS YOUR FIRST ACTION, PLACE A COMMUNITY PLAYER MARKER ON A NON-RESERVED AREA. ), (You start with 1 energy production and 48 MC. How Many Players Should This Game Be Played With? | Effect: During the production phase, if you did not get TR so far this generation, add one preservation resource here and gain 6 MC. Place a city tile. this, THAT PLAYER gains 2 MC, or adds a microbe to THAT card, and you gain 2 MC. Thanks for posting specific cases, they do help evaluate when playing. Thorgate starts with 48 gold and one energy production. CARDS LIST SUBMIT GAME FORM GAMES STATISTICS SOLO GAMES M&A RANDOMIZER START HAND SETUP About the game About the topic Author's solo games. 10. Increase MC production 1 step per influence. AridorYou start with 40 MC. ALL OPPONENTS DECREASE THEIR MC PRODUCTION 2 STEPS. ), (Increase your MC production 1 step per different tag you have in play, including this. ), (Effect: When you play an Animal, Plant, or Microbe tag, including this, add a Microbe to this card. Increase your MC production 4 steps. ), (Decrease your Energy production 1 step and increase your MC production 3 steps. Each time you raise the oxygen level, the temperature, or place an ocean tile, your TR increases as well. ), (Decrease your Energy production 1 step and increase your heat production 3 steps. You want to focus on getting cards that help develop new technologies early on, while also making sure not too many negative developments happen before your next turn. Categories: Potentially outdated Armstrong Pages with broken file links Research Create a tier list, share the link . Gain 1 titanium for each influence. (Draw 1 card, or draw 3 if you have at least 3 Venus tags). Pay 5 MC. Mons Insurance You start with 48 MC. Each steel you have is worth 1 MC extra. Take those into your hand and discard the rest. Increase your MC production 3 steps). As your first action, place a colony. Gain 1 Trade Fleet. Play one of them and discard the other 3. Tips for Playing Terraforming Mars Corporation Strategy. ), (Gain 6 titanium. ), (Decrease any heat production 2 steps and increase your Energy production 1 step. Place a greenery tile and raise oxygen 1 step. ), (Lose 3 MC for each colony (max 5), then reduced by influence. Gain 5 titanium. ), (REQUIRES THAT A PLAYER REMOVED ANOTHER PLAYER'S PLANTS THIS GENERATION. The next card you play this generation costs 16 MC less. | Action: If your Terraforming Rating was raised this generation, you may pay 3 MC to raise it 1 step more. Tharsis RepublicYou start with 40 MC. The thing you mentioned about Ecoline and Credicor, while being valid it kinda seems like you've been playing against subpar players (at least from the examples you gave). Not a pro, but a seasoned veteran of the game and my take has been (since quite a while now) that Tharsis & Ecoline are S tier, with Credicor being A tier and Cinematics being B tier or if you can spend the steel A or S tier. ), (Place a city tile ON THE RESERVED AREA. The choosing of the Terraforming Mars Corporations cards at the beginning of the game is key. ), (Lose 4 MC for each city tile (max 5, then reduced by influence). ), (Gain 10 MC if you have 9 or more different tags. Yes, even if someone accuses you of cheating since they didnt read the rules correctly. (The thread continues, I just haven't kept up since all the new corporations came out) At the time, before any expansions with new corps had come out, the winningest corporation was Tharsis, and the second place was Ecoline. Instead try prioritizing developing one type of development each round whether that means focusing heavily on their own tiles only, VPs, or something else entirely! Action: Add a floater to ANY card. ), (Effect: When you play an animal or plant tag, including, (You start with 45 MC. (Requires that you have 9 different types of resources. (Requires that you have 5 Floaters. ), (Action: Spend 7 MC to increase your energy production 1 step. Increase your MC up 1 step. Take those into hand and discard the rest. TAKE 2 OF THEM INTO HAND AND DISCARD THE OTHER 2, USE A CARD ACTION THAT HAS ALREADY BEEN USED THIS GENERATION, Trade Income: Gain the indicated production. ), (Gain 2 MC for each city tile (max 5) and influence. ), (You start with 2 plant production, 3 plants, and 36MC), (Effect: Your may use heat as MC. Add 2 Microbes to ANOTHER card). Draw 2 cards. Your bonus for placing adjacent to oceans is 3MC instead of 2MC. ), (You start with 40 MC. Place a City tile. As your first action, fund an award for free. ), (Requires that Scientists are ruling or that you have 2 delegates there. ), (Gain 1 plant for each plant production (max 5) and influence. I'm creating this list because I highly disagree with all the other lists out there. However, you run into a problem; your effect is negative. Reveal cards until you reveal two cards with plant tags on them. ), (Increase your MC production 1 step for each space tag your OPPONENTS have. Draw 2 cards. ), (Effect: When any city tile is placed ON MARS, increase your MC production 1 step. (Action: Add 1 Floater to ANY card or spend 1 Floater here to draw 1 card). (Requires 2 Earth tags. ), (Raise oxygen 1 step. ), (When you get a new type of tag in play (event cards do not count), increase your MC production 1 step. | Effect: When you play a card with a NON-NEGATIVE VP icon, including this, gain 3 MC. Place a City tile on the RESERVED AREA). (Requires 2 Science tags. ), (Effect: When you play a Science tag, including this, you may discard a card from hand to draw a card. Add 1 animal to ANOTHER card and 2 microbes to ANOTHER card. ), (Gain 30 MC. In addition to the 13 mission sponsor logos (and Idiocracy), there are 15 more logos that can be chosen instead. Our play group's tier list of corporations divided by row 29 39 comments Best Add a Comment VersaceKing89 4 yr. ago Yo buff credicor 11 BobbleBobble 4 yr. ago Credicor + Standard Technology is probably the most broken combo in the game. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. ), (Decrease your Energy production 2 steps and increase your Plant production 1 step. ), (Place this tile on an area with a steel or titanium placement bonus, adjacent to another of your tiles. ), (Requires 2 oceans. TERRAFORMING. (Requires Venus 16%. Decrease your Energy production 2 steps and increase your steel production 2 steps. ), (Oxygen must be 7% or less. ), (Requires -14 C or warmer. Each corporation has specific capabilities in terms of income, raw materials, or terraforming ability. The Venus Next expansion is only a map. ), (Lose 2 plants. Decrease any titanium production 1 step and increase your own 1 step.) (Requires 6 ocean tiles. (Requires Venus 12%. 1 VP per, (Action: Spend 1 titanium to add 2 floaters here, or spend 2 floaters here to increase your TR 1 step. I strongly disagree with your Phobolog and IC ratings. ), (Requires 5 science tags. You need to be taking advantage of all the information you have available to you. This was the first-ever expansion for Terraforming Mars. (When you play a Science tag, including this, either add a Science resource to this card, or remove a Science resource from this card to draw a card. ), (Requires 13% oxygen. Increase your MC production 5 steps. Add 2 floaters to ANY, (Action: Add 1 floater to a JOVIAN CARD, or gain 1 MC for every floater here (MAX 4). Discard the other two. Ecoline will not pass plant destroying cards ever and nobody that knows the game will not invest starting money into engine. Increase your MC production 2 steps. Gain 5 titanium. Increase your MC production 2 steps. Gain 4 titanium. ), (Place a city tile NEXT TO NO OTHER TILE. In future videos, I will expand the tier list by the expansion corporations and will also adjust the ranks of the base game corps, if their performance changed due to the expansion changes.I hope you enjoy the video and if you do, please leave a like and consider subscribing :)Prelude Corps Tier List: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qOVFpUveBTITier List Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9PW7ZJu_qQ\u0026list=PLD4OC6ci6uJ6KtbnorqYzvrkO5tA-GGSsIntro: (0:00)Arcadian Communities: (0:36)Credicor: (2:13)Ecoline: (3:15)Helion: (4:56)Interplanetary Cinematics: (6:02)Inventrix: (7:32)Mining Guild: (8:50)Phobolog: (9:52)Recyclon: (11:06)Saturn Systems: (12:18)Splice: (13:24)Terractor: (15:08)Tharsis Republic: (16:16)Thorgate: (18:19)UNMI: (19:22)Outro: (21:01) Follow me on Twitch at https://www.twitch.tv/marsexpert to catch me live streaming Terraforming Mars regularly.Follow me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/mars_expert?t=dnhgpwAU91mJ34OcRNSXAQ\u0026s=09 to get news, updates and more.I go over the 12 base game corporations, as well as the three promo corps and rank them in the usual tier list format. ), (Effect: When you play an Earth card, you pay 3 MC less for it. ), (Decrease steel and energy production 1 step each. Terraforming is both the easiest source of points and the most important. When you perform an action, the wild tag counts as any tag of your choice. ), (Requires 2 Science tags. InventrixAs your first action in the game, draw 3 cards. Increase your energy production 6 steps. Increase your Plant production 3 steps. ), (Decrease your Energy production 2 steps. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. ), (Increase your titanium production 3 steps. ), (Action: Add 1 floater to ANY JOVIAN CARD, or spend 1 floater here to trade for free. | Effect: Your temperature, oxygen and ocean requirements are +2 or -2 steps, your choice in each case. ), (Gain 2 plants. ), (Requires Venus 12% and that you spend 1 Floater from any card. PLACE YOUR MARKER ON A NON-RESERVED AREA. We use cookies to optimize our website and our service. ), (Increase your MC production 1 step for every 2 Building tags you have, including this. ), (Increase your heat production 4 steps. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. ), (Increase your energy production 2 step. (Action: Spend 6 MC to add 1 asteroid to ANY CARD (titanium may be used to pay for this), Increase your steel and titanium production 1 step each. ), (Gain 3 Plants, or add 3 Microbes or 2 Animals to ANOTHER card. ), (You start with 1 steel production, and 35 MC), (Effect: Your Venus requirements are +/- 2 steps, your choice in each case. Septem TribusYou start with 36 MC. As your first action, draw 3 Prelude cards, and play one of them. This is a strategy that Ive used to win at Terraforming Mars before. ), (Effect: When you play a card with a NON-NEGATIVE VP icon, including this, gain 3MC. Increase your MC production 5 steps. No opinion, only FACT. ), (Place a city tile IN SPACE, outside and separate from the planet. ), (Requires 7% oxygen. ), (Effect: Each titanium you have is worth 1 MC extra. You might not get the best technology early on, but if you keep focusing on these low-end developments each round they can add up very quickly! ), (Raise your TR 1 step and gain 4 Plants. TERRAFORMING MARS CARDS LIST RESET 838781 8480 8389 8181 8386 Colonizer Training Camp 8 #001 2 max 5% O2 (Oxygen must be 5% or less.) ), (You start with 38 MC and 1 steel production. Place a City tile. Top 5 Terraforming Mars Corporations Terraforming Mars offers a huge array of options for strategy with hundreds of different cards, and multiple viable options for engine building and point-scoring, but the biggest influence in strategy is arguably the corporation chosen at the start of the game. Terraforming is important for three reasons. ), (Requires 3 oean tiles and that you lose 1 plant. Increase your Energy production and your MC production up one step each. ), (Place a City tile. ), (Increase your plant production 2 steps, or your MC production 5 steps. (Requires 9% oxygen. Gain 1 Plant. ), (Lose 4 MC for each tile adjacent to ocean (max 5, then reduced by influence). Gain 2 plants. | Effect: You may always pay 7 plants, instead of 8, to place greenery. Increase your Plant production 1 step. ), (Requires -6 C or warmer. ), (Increase your titanium production 2 steps and your MC production 2 steps. ), (Effect: When you play a Space card, you pay 2 MC less for it. After being played, when you perform an action, the wild tag counts as any tag of your choice. Indie Boards and Cards Terraforming Mars Board Game, Some posts may contain affiliate links. Raise oxygen level 1 step and place an ocean tile. | Effect: When you play a building tag, including this, gain 1 microbe to this card, or remove 2 microbes here and raise your plant production 1 step. Gain 1 steel per influence. Decrease your MC production 2 steps. Increase your Plant production 1 step, or 4 steps if you have 3 Plant tags. ), (Remove up to 3 titanium from any player, or 4 steel, or 7 MC. Remove the NEUTRAL Chairman and move your own delegate(from the reserve) there instead. ), (Play 1 card from hand with a 25 MC reduction. ), (Gain 2 MC for each space tag (max 5) and influence. 1 VP per Jovian tag you have. ), (Action: Spend 8 MC to place 1 ocean tile. They focus on just one type of development card at a time until they reach the end game usually either VPs or technologies/cards depending on their priorities from earlier in the game. Absolutely Definitive. Increase your energy production 1 step. Take that card into hand, and discard the rest. ), (Increase your plant production 1 step for each colony you own. Place this tile ADJACENT TO no other city tile. ), (Requires that you are Chairman. Terraforming Mars is a game that requires players to spend their resources in order to gain more, which means its important for everyone at the table to have access to lots of different things! ), (Increase temperature 1 step. Gain 1 TR. ), (Effect: when a microbe tag is played, incl. ), (Lose 3 MC for each blue card (max 5, then reduced by influence). ), (Increase your energy and plant production 1 step. ), (Effect: When you play a Space card, you pay 4 MC less for it. Increase your plant production 1 step, and add 2 microbes to ANOTHER card. ), (Increase your heat production 1 step and gain 3 heat. Its not as easy as it sounds though. ), (Place an Ocean. This often means that players will want to place their cities onto tiles that give them the most points or resources especially if they arent focusing on developing something specific! You Lose 1 plant for each colony you own +2 or -2 steps, or add microbes... Step for each colony ( max 5 ) and influence: Potentially Armstrong... 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