suki avatar quotes

The villages were enemies so they could not be together. Katara: I'm sorry. But only when the sunlight hits it at just the right angle on the solstice. Sokka: [Giant sea serpent arises in front of their ship] The Universe just loves proving me wrong, doesn't it? Haru: It wasn't the coal, Katara. Sokka: [when Katara gives him the last of their water in the desert] We're drinking your bending water? Aang: No. Katara: You seem to be having a lot of nightmares lately, you wanna tell me about it? Katara: How could you leave us, dad? He says he can teach me to control the Avatar State. Sleep well, Zu-Zu. I assure you it is a matter of utmost importance, Prince Zuko. Aang: You guys go ahead. Sokka: [Hama's forcing Sokka to attack Katara] Katara, look out! She's crazy, and she needs to go down. When Zuko entered the tent, it was apparent that Sokka was waiting to have a romantic evening with Suki, but was surprised and embarrassed to see Zuko instead. Aang: [to Zuko] you had to pick up the glowing egg, didn't you? They're *mine*! On the following day, Suki took part in a meeting at the throne room where she revealed to Mai that Kiyi's kidnapper had used ligthning. Suki: [about Azula and Ty Lee] This is a rematch I've been waiting for. [Katara storms off]. [Hakoda hugs them both]. You're clearly outnumbered. Sokka: Or just glow it up, and stomp the Firelord. Now I didn't like Aang at first but I grew to love him over time. Zuko: Then I have a question for you: What are you going to do when you face my father? Azula: Well, look at this. Aang: Yes it does! It's the last place anyone would think to look for us. Sokka: The journey was long and annoying, but now you get to see what it's really about - the destination. I think your friend just said that genius. Sokka: So I'm the onlhy one wo can *ever* come up with a plan? It's different for you. Hakoda: Being a man is knowing where you're needed the most. The Warden would run away and we'd steal his keys! Toph: I'm just saying that considering his messed up family and how he was raised, he could have turned out a lot worse. But you're not exactly Mr. Healing Hands. It hurts, doesn't it? The waterbenders draw their power from the moon and it is nearly full tonight. Sokka: I told you, we were hungry. Maybe instead of saving the world, you can go into the jewelry making business. Hakoda: You know, Sokka, you should be more careful with that guard's uniform. We're all thinking of ideas! Why are you so afraid of him? Aang: I've never hidden from you! No everyone in my family's like that. When sternly told by San to mind her own business, she angrily replied that he should treat his customers with respect. That coward's hundred years of hiding is over! Tags: avatar the last airbender, jacqstoned, kyoshi warrior, suki . Toph Beifong: What makes you think we'll get it? He smiles widely]. So stop acting like you can tell me what to do. [chuckles ruefully] Toph Beifong : You can go ahead and let me drown now. It's made me realize something. [There's a knock at the door] Actually, I know who it is. Katara: The Avatar is the bridge between our world and the spirit world! Aang: I'm the Avatar. Katara: Right. APPA ATE MOMO! A left! Ms. Kwan: What is your name? He's our leader. Initially offended by Sokka's chauvinistic attitude, she paid him back by repeatedly humiliating him in combat training. Aang: [to the fighting tribes] Guys! Now she's gone. Aang wrote about her in a book that he passed down to his son Tenzin, telling him that she had skills that Tenzin's uncle Sokka could have only dreamed of, and that they made an amazing team together.[16]. This is so pretty! Prince Zuko: [to Aang] I finally have you. Mom: You're welcome. Toph Beifong: Yeah, and it was kind of annoying. First, Suki and I will draw his fire. Aang: [Cheerily] Name's Bonzu Pipinpadaloxicopolis the Third! They cross swords in front of Aang, who draws back with a cry of surprise and fear]. Prince Zuko: My great-grandfather, Souzin, happened. Me personally. Sokka: His job's going to make us cross this whole thing on foot, isn't he? Do I look like a 112 year old man? Girls are waiting for us. I'm a pretty good liar. [Jet breaks free, then Long Feng attacks him] Foolish boy. They've had a taste, and they're coming back for me! This is about finding my friend. Mai: [Mai yawns] I justed asked if you were cold. Everyone needs a teacher. Sokka: My dad might be here! Sokka: You know, last time I checked, humans can't fly! Katara: Or we could send Momo in to do some damage. I had to come and see. Uncle Iroh: For my Pai Sho game. Azula: We have been presented with an extraordinary opportunity girls. Katara: [about Aang] Then he's gotta be somewhere on Ember Island. Suki in the films Katara: Don't yell at him! Aang: Just make sure you keep your mouth closed so you don't swallow a bug. Azula: But for some reason when I meet boys, they act like I'm going to do something horrible to them. Sokka: Enrolled in WHAT? Do not try to fight him! I can't believe I was so stupid! Uncle Iroh: Yes, you have. [to one of his comrades] Didn't your cousin Chang die of it? Katara's Actress: Is food the only thing on your mind? But this time it didn't work out that way. Aang: It's okay, because I forgive you. Azula: No. I thought your brother would understand but Aang: Sokka's still out there. You may have mixed feelings about attacking members of the Royal Family, I understand. Aang: Check again! Noticing Toph and Sokka hanging helplessly from another airship, she saved the two by steering her captured aircraft into the other vessel. I call it the stink-n-sink. You're the only woman that has ever taken my mind off of food! Fire Nation Boy 1: [Dancing] This is incredible. It's very thirst-quenching, though. I feel the vibration in the ground with my feet, [picks up a handful of sand and lets it sift through her fingers] but this sand is so loose and shifty, it makes everything look fuzzy. Warden: Then wake up somone I *haven't* thrown overboard. Suki interrogated the group, threatening to throw Sokka to the unagi after he made a sexist comment about being kidnapped by a "bunch of girls". Aang: [to the Fire Nation students] Listen guys, dancing isn't something you think about. Prince Zuko: [Looks up at the statues and groans] Ugh. Prince Zuko: But I don't have the Avatar. Fire Lord Ozai: Get out! I can hear every word you're saying! Pipsqueak: And these boxes are filled with jelly candy. [the Serpent's tail hits close to Toph. Sokka: Zuko's clearly too dangerous to be left alone. Like fragile, tiny shells drifting in the foam. If it's important, I'll find out. Aang: No Fire Lord Ozai, you're not wearing pants. But are you sure this is really the best way to teach Aang earthbending. We won't leave anyone behind! She cannot help you! Gonna get your glow on and hit him with a little Avatar State action? Suki is captured by the Fire Nation and brought to the Boiling Rock, a grim prison in the middle of a dormant volcano. Oh the stories this beast could tell. Pirate Barker: We prefer to think of ourselves as "High Risk Traders. Admiral Zhao: I assure you. Sokka: We don't have a choice. Sun Warrior Chief: Fire is life, not just destruction. Ty Lee: But it's a painting of your family. Suki: Nope. Monk Gyatso: You questions will be answered when you're old enough to enter the air temple sanctuary. Uncle Iroh: [Drawing the Fire Nation symbol in the dirt] Fire is the element of power. [Toph forcfully removes the bottom of her shoe, striking Sokka in the process] Finally, a stylish shoe for the blind earthbender. Suki and a few other Kyoshi Warriors left their home to make a difference in the war. [the baby mooselion peers over Sokka's forehead and looks at him] Look, I'm sorry I hunted you, but that's just the natural order of things! But he is very dangerous. Katara: [Quietly] Shush up about Appa. Azula: He doesn't need to, Zuko. Sokka: You seem so confident about everything. Meng: It's ok. Villager: Really? Azula: Yes! Family tradition, I guess. So when life seems hard, just take a bite out of the silver sandwich. I'm always right back at ya with my boomerang. It's so quaint and lively. True humility is the only antidote to shame. Your nation or a life of treachery? Prince Zuko: I think that you are exactly what you seem: a lazy, mistrustful, shallow old man who's always been jealous of his brother! How'd you figure out it was a trap. [2] At least once, Suki and Mingxia went to the Kyoshi Shrine to compare their own shoes to the Avatar's massive boots.[14]. One day, when I was little, I ran away and hid in a cave. So I wiped out the air temples. It's time for you to look inward and start asking yourself the big question: who are you and what do YOU want? Sokka: Speaking of money, I'm off to spend some. Somone's missing from your group. But you have no interest in this, so I have no interest in you! I forgot all about the math test! Katara: [remembers what Aunt Wu told her before] Wait a minute! And *definitely* no rainbows! Katara: The palace will be packed. Where would you like to go on your mini-vacation? Aang, Foo-foo-cuddly-poops, Foo-foo-cuddly-poops, Aang. Katara: Was it realistic? Sokka: Suki, you know about giant sea monsters. In the darkest times, hope is something you give yourself. Prince Zuko: Tell me where the Avatar is and I won't hurt you or your brother. It was a man of the Gan Jin tribe, Jin Wei, collapsed on the ground.Noble Wei Jin stopped to help him. As far as I'm concerned, you're all guilty! But hopefully I learned a thing or two. Enforcing your own will over theirs. Avatar Roku: [uncertain] Where are you going with this? Uncle Iroh: There is energy all around us. [Sokka attempts to turn his head for another look. Aang: About that! It's only a matter of time before I run into Azula again. Aang: [On top of the drill] General Sung. Azula: In my country, we exchange a pleasant hello before asking questions. Everyone gets bogged down by shame, and many learn to evade the problem or obsess over it in hopes of doing better. Sokka: I was wrong. Eventually, we're torn apart. And this is Katara, my flying sister. Katara: [as Katara and Zuko leave to find Kya's killer] Don't try to stop us. That's a lot of canyon crawlers! [Points to Katara and Sokka]. Come on guys, help me out. Zhao: You can't compete with me. Befitting her position as leader of her village's Kyoshi Warriors, Suki was tough, assertive, and not afraid to speak her mind. Aang's speech is garbled] See? Just that Aang is one powerful bender. That's right, she did! Sokka: It's a giant mushroom. The Kyoshi Warrior and her allies subsequently raided the pirate base. Suki: You mean, you don't remember? I hear the Captain's eating like a king, while us refugees have to feed off his scraps. "Life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not." - Uncle Iroh 3. It's just weaker for some reason. She's not blaming you! I'm going crazy. [33], As of 124 AG, Suki was still serving as the leader of the Kyoshi Warriors. Too bad there's almost no chance they survived. She apologized to Zuko and, while kneeling before the Fire Lord, told him that the Kyoshi Warriors were worried about him and that she, especially, was worried about him as well and reached out for his hand before being interrupted by General Mak.[26]. Prince Zuko: On second thought, why don't you take another few minutes. No wonder you left. Sokka: See, the problem with the old war balloon was: you could get it airborn, but once you did, it just kept going. I have everything I always wanted. But I know now that no one can give you your honor. It was decided that Suki, Sokka, and Toph would destroy the airship fleet. But you have no intrest in this, So I have no intrest in you! Who's got pwetty feathers [He walks by a wanted poster of Toph, and does a double-take] You're right, Hawky. Don't get too upset. The people of the Earth Kingdom are diverse and strong. Hawky: Gran-Gran, South Pole. Toph: The Firelord knew we were coming this time. Music Teacher: I know sometimes we're so moved by our love for our nation, that we can't control our own bodies. The truth is: they don't know which one of us is going to be sitting down on that throne, and which of us is going to be bowing down. I remember you now. Prince Zuko: I need your help finding the Avatar. Other Media Katara: You can't keep the truth from all these people. I've always wished I was blessed like you. Commander Zhao: Save your stories for the Fire Lord. Toph: Maybe you'd like the Avatar's help now? Haru's Mom: They can take Haru away, like they took his father. Prince Zuko: Doing nothing is a waste of time. It's a trap. Sokka: Actually, Toph, there's four of us. Katara: AAng. Hama: You know you should be careful. He's the first person to ever leave the army and live. And how many times have you worn those shoes since you got that fortune? Toph Beifong: And frankly, your earthbending could still use some work. Prince Zuko: Stop it! [throws mixture at Aang, splattering him with mud]. This is a real human thing! Suki got first rows for her, Sokka, and Toph for a Trustfully in Love concert. Sokka: Did I ever tell you how sweet it is that you invented metalbending? [Uncle looks at the girl] Didn't I say "don't look?". When you're a waterbender in strange land, you do what you must to survive. Long Feng: I can explain this, your majesty. Ty Lee: Calm down, you guys. Maybe you could find a nice Earth Kingdom family to adopt you! He's enlightened. Aang: I'm sorry. Sokka: [Skeptical] Writing my name will make me a better swordsman? Aang: This was so much easier in my head. But it's Avatar's Duty to master all of the bending disciplines. He's the one who's been a *real* father to me. Ursa: Young lady! That's who you are Zuko. Chey: But he couldn't take the madness any more. Katara, and Sokka's father. Not that you would understand. But *honestly*, I'm not sure I can remember what my mother looked like. All of Ba Sing Se is in trouble. Toph Beifong: You guys get to go wherever you want, no one telling you what to do that's the life. Sokka: [Hands a bowl to the kids] What is this? You can't use it to hurt or threaten anyone else ever again. Like we're all trying to save the world from evil. Uncle Iroh: Things will never return to normal. Aang: Roku was just as much Fire Nation as Sozin was, right? You don't realize it, but you already have. You've got to face it head on. So remember your courage, let us fight for our freedom! My Mother used to take us to see them. I love Zuko more than I fear you." - Mai 5. After the warden left, Suki expressed her disdain for him, and shared a few of the vegetables with the other prisoners. Harsh words aren't so bad! Ty Lee: Yeah. You had him! Sokka: So where do I get something to eat? There are the ones outside protecting us, and the one's inside that help maintain order. Katara, how would you like to help me put Azula in her place? Uncle Iroh: Even if you're right and the Avatar *is* alive. [Appa licks Pathik] Funny what invisible strings connect us all. [Zuko firebends; the guard darts in to shield Mai, allowing Zuko to escape], Mai: [to guard] Get off me! Uncle Iroh: [Voice over, in a letter] If the city is as magnificent as its wall, Ba Sing Se must be something to behold. The Earth King: [Slight pause] Very well, you have my support. Uncle Iroh: If the Fire Nation discovers us, we'll be turned over to Azula. You don't know anything! You might *think* your the greatest Earthbender in the world. Toph Beifong: It's okay. The young woman sadly spoke of her desire to be as strong as the warriors because a lot of "jerks" hung out in the marketplace. Sokka: [Toph bumps into Sokka] Can't you watch where you're Master Yu: Did they give you any indication where they were headed? Win Jei didn't steal the ball, he picked it up and started running it back toward the other goal. Zuko: Go ahead. Hakoda: Sokka, there's no prison in the world that can hold two Water Tribe geniuses. The Avatar will be sent away to the Eastern Temple to complete his training. Time to hit the road. Anyhow, I guess our biggest problem is getting out of here. Toph: You're trying to keep us here and waste all our time! Mixed feelings about attacking members of the Gan Jin tribe, Jin Wei, collapsed on the solstice to... 'S killer ] do n't yell at him aang at first but I do n't swallow bug! 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