If you allow them to actually leave with Mara, they will kill her once they leave the tavern. If you can decipher the writing, you will learn that you need to cast spells on the orb. Darkness: At the fifth level, the assassin is granted the ability to cast darkness once per day. But, again, you must watch your responses or the whole room will attack you. The Maze C. Skeleton Chieftain D. Throne Room E. To the Hall of the Dead Wind. If you sit in a chair that does not correspond to your alignment, you will be severely wounded. The hermit is a strange man. It's also really difficult at times. If you have a high constitution, you can actually drink the alcohol. What about the mage? Trapped Hallway C. Trapped Chest D. Door Puzzle E. Kobold Commoners F. Wolf Pen G. Prison H. Chief's Cavern I. Prerequisites: Race: Elf or Half-Elf Base Attack Bonus: +6 Feats: Weapon Focus Longbow or Weapon Focus Shortbow; Point-Blank Shot Other Prerequisites: Character must have the ability to cast first-level arcane spells. Ring, Bow or ability increases. The minister can also be convinced to give wine to Musharak if the hobgoblin converts to the Ao religion. Speak to Katriana, who will tell you that the caravan's fortune-teller, Daschnaya, has had her cards stolen by kobolds. It is only a seventh-level elemental, but unfortunately it is protected by a field that makes it temporarily invulnerable. Slightly to the west of the northernmost stone head, you'll find a mithral shield (+2 AC, freedom of movement). Using the cantrip of the opposite element on any of these pedestals will yield a magical token. As you enter, four stingers will appear from underground and attack. The priest burial room contains four coffins, each with some decent treasure. There is great loot to be had, but only grab what you can use--there are no more opportunities to sell items. The second riddle involves a prisoner and a statement he must make to avoid execution. Contagion: At the seventh level, the blackguard can cast contagion once per day. Search the wiki about Tynan. When facing multiple strong enemies, try to lure them one by one into a hallway and then shut the door behind them. The side rooms all contain random treasure, but be warned that opening a coffin or sarcophagus will often cause a monster to appear. The high arcanist's room contains a chest that's locked with a DC of 25. Try to lure his minions away before rushing in on the Lich himself--they can be dispatched more easily if you can lead them around the large pillar in the center of the room. They won't tell you much about the attack, but they will inform you that the herbalist's dog buried a treasure somewhere in the vicinity. If you have the animal empathy skill, speak with any of the dogs running around the area. Return to Nimaldor and he will tell you about a secret door and a poison trap that will kill the kobolds. Kill the wolves and then proceed into the prison. To the Asabi Camp B. Notice the remnants of a large battle--gnoll and kobold corpses abound. Uncanny Dodge: Granted at the second level, the uncanny dodge ability insures the assassin retains his or her dexterity bonus to his or her armor class, basically assuring that the character can not be caught flat-footed by hidden assailants. Speak to your henchman and choose "I want to discuss your training." Return to the kobold hideout. If you google "nwn tynan" the first page listed is this: Neverwinter Nights (PC) Item FAQ August 30, 2006 Version 1.7 Written by: Dylan Erickson E-mail: razlakh@gmail.com If you're having any problems, please consult the FAQ (Ctrl + F, type in FAQ) first before e-mailing me. . If you tell it to leave, your alignment will shift to good. Inside you'll find a good stash of magic items, including a periapt of wisdom +2, a cloak of protection +1, and a scythe +2. The slaves will also mention another who was captured and taken somewhere else--Glendir. If the saving throw fails, the target is killed instantly. Do so, and your alignment will shift toward good. Drink your potions, prepare your spells. There are only a few things to do in the community hall. You don't have to go in here yet, but it's a good idea to clear out the zombies before you come back. Shadow Evade: At the fourth level, the shadowdancer gains this ability, which increases concealment and improves as the shadowdancer gains levels. The fire emitting from their body will harm you, however, so try to avoid them. Kill them, then head to the cave they were speaking of, noted on the map. There is a great deal of opposition--almost every area is crawling with monsters. In the center of the forest, you'll come upon a small group of bandits, who will be talking about taking something back to the cave. The battle isn't extremely difficult, but it will be one of the toughest you've faced so far. The first floor of the crypt tower features a nearly endless supply of undead. Look at the lights shining on the tiles. - Summon Shadow: At 3rd level, the shadowdancer can summon a shadow once per day. If you take the horns to Ferran, you can convince him to give you his longbow, which provides +2 for spot skill and +1 for your attack rating. Note that once Mara is safe, she will tell you that the Helmthorn Berries, needed for A Cure for Drogan, are in the pot on the stove in the kitchen (the berries will still be there if you don't save her). Quest: Horns of the Shadow Hart The shadow hart can appear in several different locations in the foothills. The book also reveals the locations of these winds. Turn Undead: At the third level, the blackguard gains the ability to turn undead creatures. A. Drogan, your mentor, is being attacked. And once you step in, Kel-Garas will appear again. They'll be killed by the trap pretty quickly. You can then set some simply guidelines for how he or she will advance. When the wise wind is defeated, grab it. You can sell it to various merchants, including the hermit and Szaren. Once you have the hand, use its special power--it will point you to the next artifact. Read the pillars for clues about what you need to do to operate the strange machine. However, you'll need to fight several mummies to get to it. The second floor is much easier. The beastmaster isn't too tough--he's only level three. Proceed past the door to the southern end of the eastern hallway, where you will find a secret door. When you find the hart, you can speak with it if you have animal empathy skills. Before attacking the kobolds, talk to their leader, Urko. Don't ask too much about her background. Now return to J'Nah, or go find Deekin, if J'Nah is already dead. A list of NWN, SoU and HotU items along with their item codes, descriptions, and . Buy what you need before returning to your home plane. Make sure you search the grand matron's corpse for a pen (which will become very important) and some other decent loot. To Hilltop Foothills B. Make your way to the lever in the center of the room and use it. I cant believe that the ability increases (i think +4) last forever so I choose the ring. It is fairly straightforward, as the pillars, if you can decipher them, will provide you with a list of possible ingredients to place in each urn. Return the sword to the spirit, and you'll be rewarded with your choice of a single item from his meager chest. Ferran will also tell you about the shadow hart, and how he needs its horns to make medicine for his ailing wife. Help the others kill the kobolds that have invaded. As you enter the inner catacombs, you will see a large statue of Jergal. As with the great library, as you approach the crypt you will receive a small amount of experience. Latest news, breaking news and current affairs coverage from across the UK from theguardian.com A. Before crossing over into the mountains, you will be greeted by a kobold named Deekin. Paladins rejoice. The northeastern cell contains several captured kobolds. Try to get in and attack him as quickly as possible, and leave his minions for after his temporary death. While the protective circle is active, the dead wind cannot be harmed. More importantly, you must be able to cast arcane spells. Proceed to "On the Nature of Hell," and choose "Rewrite the central argument. He also has numerous shadovar minions around him. He shoots waves of fire that will do significant damage. As they speak, wait for Klumph's first response, then choose "Let's try to work this out amicably." Eventually, she will call for a truce and the formians will stop attacking you. You can also get a promissory note from him. There are 5 new classes in NWN SoU. Speak to him, and he will tell you about his love for Jendra, who has been kidnapped. Destroy the mythallar to make Heurodis vulnerable. There is an easy way to turn the tables, though: Elves and characters with decent search skill can find two secret doors on either side of the small hallway just past the opening room, allowing you to get to the archers quickly. A. The assassin is the deadly cousin to the rogue. It is available once the harper scout reaches level five. Statue of Jergal C. Archer Statues D. Secret Door E. Kel-Garas. By choosing this class, characters will devote themselves to the art of the bow, and for their devotion they'll receive several powerful bonuses, making the arcane archer a very deadly adversary. AGAIN, I see this as a plot, scenario failing by the developers. While not quite as big as Neverwinter Nights, Shadows of Undrentide is still a huge mass of land covered with quests and critters. He will show you his black-market goods, which include some decent low-level magic items. Quest: The Elven Test The blue line marks the safe path to the center. This guide will lead you from Master Drogan's humble farm all the way to a magical floating city in the sky, and show you everything to do in between. The extra damage is applied to attacks successfully executed while the assassin is hidden or invisible. In the center of this cavern is a chest. Fight your way through the caves to the four cells in the western area. Additionally, at the fifth level, it gives the assassin a +1 to reflex saving throws against traps, and at the 10th level, it increases that bonus to +2. If you kill it and take the horns to Ferran, your alignment will shift even more dramatically to good. Becoming a blackguard isn't difficult, though you will need to waste a fair amount of skill points boosting your hide skill if you are a fighter before selecting the prestige class. In the southwestern corner, you can find the aslyferund elven chain (elf or half-elf only, +1 damage reduction, +3 AC). Once the dragon is dead, grab his head and the mask, and loot his treasure. . You must collect three winds and place them in the depressions. Note that the two stone doors on either side of the temple cannot be opened at all. With every other level gained, the arcane archer receives a +1 bonus, beginning at first level, with a maximum of +5. A. Nimaldor's Tomb B. Spider-Infested Tomb C. The Elven Warrior's Spirit D. Kobold Archer Ambush E. Kobold Hideout F. Secret Door G. Trap Mechanism. A listing of all armour, shield and helmet types, complete with their stats and pictures. Garrick will tell you about the nearby excavation and the true nature of the crystal found in the tower statue. Your fellow students are rushing to his aid, and you should follow suit. If the arrow successfully hits, the target must make a fortitude-saving throw. Similarly, you might be confused by the constant use of the abbreviation "DC," primarily in terms of traps and locks. One of the major additions to Shadows of Undrentide is the fact that you now have much more control over your henchman. Sleep: At the second level, the harper scout can cast sleep once per day. The common notation for dice in D&D is XdY, where X is the number of dice, and Y is the type of die rolled. I can't for the life of me do enough damage. If you kill the kobolds, search Urko's body for the mummified hand, ending two quests with one kill. There's an abandoned farm through a small gate to the north. You'll eventually come to a large cavern with four smaller caverns at the corners. He will tell you about the large boulder blocking the entrance to the lower levels. If J'Nah is dead, and Tymofarrar is either dead or has agreed to release Deekin from his servitude, Deekin will find you. If you kill Ali instead, place the dagger in the altar, and it will be transformed Jergal's claw, a +2 short sword that can cause blindness on successful strikes. For instance, if the blue-lit door opened, only go down hallways with the water trap jets. When it's gone, not only will Undrentide begin plunging toward Earth, but Heurodis will also be vulnerable. Characters with tracking skills (druids, rangers, and barbarians) and characters with high intelligence will determine that they are kobold tracks. It increases to +2 the fourth level, +3 at the sixth level, +4 at the eighth level, and +5 at the tenth level. When you reach the other side, the trap will cease firing. Statistics Race: construct Alignment: true neutral Armor class: 24 Hit points: 82 Attack bonus: +16/+11/+6 Damage: 1 d8 +6 bludgeoning damage ( creature weapon) Now enter the temple. The stone butler will tell you of a ring that makes disposing of the guardians much easier. This room is full of traps and undead. Arrow of Death: When the arcane archer reaches the 10th level, he or she can fire a single, lethal arrow once per day. Every day, the blackguard can use the ability three times, and an additional number of times equal to his or her charisma modifier. When the blackguard and his guards are dead, search his body for the blackguard helmet and loot the room. Once that quest is finished, and Mara the cook is safe, you'll learn that the berries are in a pot on the stove in the kitchen of the Bubbling Cauldron. Found in sarcaphogus after solving rune stone puzzle (1 of 4 possible), Flame Lash (1x/day), Gust of Wind (1x/day), special power, all base classes but monk and fighter, +1 attack, massive criticals (3 damage), Ranger only, +1 constitution, +2 AC bonus, +1 saving throws vs. mind-affecting spells, Given by Telnix if he thinks your are Ao incarnate, Haste (5x/day), damage reduction +1 (soak 5 damage), Available from Musharak if you ask him to "scrounge" for you, +1 cold damage, damage resistance: cold 5/-, +1 Appraise, +1 Craft Trap, +1 Disable Trap, +1 Hide, +1 Lore, +1 Move Silently, +1 Open Lock, +1 Pick Pocket, +1 Search, +1 Set Trap, +1 Use Magic Device, Located on bones in northwest corner of lower level, Teleports user to Drogan's Farm (if they have a focus crystal), Found in the pile of wood behind The Smith. The first favored enemy is selected at the first level, and the second is selected at the fourth level. Most of your options will end in combat, so when the fighting starts, make your way to the pressure plate to give yourself an advantage. Follow the conversation thread that begins "There is need for you in the village, but you go about it all wrong," and he will ask you to retrieve his sword. Even if you have animal empathy, there's no way to bring these trained killers back. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. With the wise wind in hand, return to the library. Your reward for reaching the other side safely is the cloak of Ascalhorn, which gives you damage resistance against bludgeoning. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Hide (5 ranks) Feats: Cleave. Note that during the conversation, you can try to persuade Riisi to tell you how to get past the barrier, but even if you make a successful persuade check, he won't tell you. Inside the library, you will find a collection of primarily useless books. Next, choose "Klumph, have some respect for your chief." The library is located in the east fragment. To Hilltop Foothills B. Bandit Camp C. Bandit Cave D. Hermit's House E. Tomb F. Wyrmling Cave G. Gnoll Cave. This guide assumes some basic knowledge of the Dungeons & Dragons 3rd Edition rules. Of the prestige classes available in Shadows of Undrentide, harper scouts are definitely the most role-play-oriented, in that they don't get significant combat bonuses. The eastern section of Hilltop is a huge swath of land occupied by exactly two houses--and one of them is abandoned. Congratulations! It's not a good idea to fight J'Nah unless Tymofarrar has given you the powder. Received From: Automatic Location: Undrentide, North Fragment Experience: 5,000 Status: Required. For now, there isn't much to do at the smith, unless you just want to buy supplies. If you plan on fighting the gnoll chief, which isn't necessary, you can enlist the aid of the kobolds through persuasion or intimidation. Located in the western fragment of Undrentide, the arcanist's tower is the location of the third and final wind, the dark wind. When you do visit the herbalist, he'll have two of the required herbs. There are four of these, and the switches that open them are located in the caverns in the corners. In the northeast corner, you'll find a room with three pairs of thrones. Prerequisites: Alignment: Evil Skills: Move Silently (8 ranks), Hide (8 ranks). They are level six, and they can petrify you with their gaze. Unfortunately, he will disappear before you can kill him. To kill Tymofarrar, she will give you the phylactery of ice, which will turn you into a frost giant for a short period of time. The fourth leads into the stinger caves. Before leaving the encampment, talk to Torias. At the ninth level, he can summon a vrock. Talk to Lodar the tavernmaster to start the Kobolds in the Kitchen quest. Choose whatever reward you wish, because he will give you several if you perform the deed. Leave the caravan, and talk to the guard at the gate if you'd like some information about the area. Continue down the passage and you'll come to a burial chamber where you'll be attacked by an undead monk. The first list contains all basic items that appear in SoU as well as in many other NWN modules, and the second list contains SoU's chapter-based custom or plot items. Quest: Jasmeena's Offer Jasmeena is the bedine druid who runs the winery for the Ao temple. Heurodis is a sixth-level humanoid/18th-level wizard. Druids and rangers can speak with Farghan's dog, Bethsheva. It is to create a summonable 'Shield Guardian' to battle for you. You have set off with Katriana's caravan, which is en route to an encampment where a friend of Drogan's, Garrick Halassar, was last seen. He's a 10th-level construct, for those who aren't in the mood to talk. If J'Nah reveals her origins, she will immediately attack you. Wizard Spells Spreadsheet: 52kb: Download (Ext.)
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