list of cults

Those involved in the murder were sentenced to life in prison. The Mirror. These techniques might be "love bombing", instant friends or emotional blackmail. He claimed that Jesus Christ had instructed him to finish His divine mission on earth. Manson had just been released from prison and, in the free-wheeling culture of flower children and hippies, lured people to his family with promises of drugs and free love. Australia has its own history with cults that are also very disturbing, whether they be our own fully fledged cults or Aussies joining them overseas. This category has the following 15 subcategories, out of 15 total. Additionally, the children were discouraged from attending school, as they should eschew the world to earn the favor of God. He was the leader of The Manson Family cult in the late 1960s. Here are our sources: How Adolfo Constanzo Went From Catholic Boy to Drug Kingpin Then to Satanic Cult-Leading Serial Killer, by Gina Dimuro. However, in 1890, the Mormons officially disavowed polygamy and, in 1935, excommunicated clergy who still advocated it. Separate lists by type: Hinduism-oriented new religious movements List of Neopagan movements Governmental lists of cults and sects Randy Mankin of the Eldorado Success/Wikimedia. [12], In 1995, a parliamentary commission of the National Assembly of France on cults produced its report[13] (in French: compare an unofficial English translation). However, after two murder cases, Charles Manson and several of his followers were arrested and charged for the murders. This is by no means a complete list of cults and religions. At one point, about one-fifth of the state was underwater, especially in the central part of the state. March 18, 2019. The two traveled across Oregon and California, preaching apocalyptic beliefs. In April 2008, Texas child services raided the FLDS compound and brought 439 children into protective care. poorwilliam. Unification Church. The only way for them to be saved was to be killed by members of Aum Shinrikyo, thereby elevating them to a higher spiritual state. [32], The French Parliamentary report of 1999 on cults and money[33] concentrated its attention on some 30 groups which it judged as major players in respect of their financial influence. Also known as the "mad messiah," Jones was founder and leader of the "People's Temple . It evolved over the next few years as members of the church moved to South America to continue living out their social justice dreams. Some of the people who followed him found that they were becoming powerful within their cartels, and he tried to extract more money from them, as well as positions of power for his own self. September 4, 2012. [34] It underlined the non-exhaustive character of its investigations, seeing them as a snapshot at a point in time and based on information available.[35]. This is Scientologys significance; it shows how, if a cults image is publicly tarnished, to a very high degree, it is unable to thrive. At the top of the list appeared Islamic groups outside of "traditional Islam", which is supervised by the Russian government. Even with a lack of any sort of substantial evidence, the government of the state of Texas was allowed to take the children into its custody, simply on the grounds of public fear. June 23rd, 2005: The church grew quickly under the premise that its members were social justice activists; even the members themselves had no idea that they were part of a much more sinister agenda. All throughout history, there have been entire civilizations and religions built upon the worship of a monarch. Rev. You may not have heard of the Unification Church, but you have probably heard of a group during the free-wheeling 1960s and 1970s called the Moonies. They were known as kamikazes the word literally translates as divine wind because they were sacrificing their lives for their emperor god. [16] The absence of Opus Dei or the Freemasons also raised questions. Sun Myung Moonwas the leader and founder of the cult. However, Adolfo was very interested in the faiths dark side, which even the Santeria members had disavowed. Many of these cults have been covered in multiple. They then acted to instigate a race war in the country. As the gangs grew more powerful, they attributed their success to Constanzos rituals supernatural powers. You can't. Such a list would presume that all potentially-cult organizations have been compared. He spent most of his youth in and out of prison and reformatories. It became known as Zions Watch Tower Tract Society in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, in 1881, and, on December 15th, 1884, became legally incorporated. The couples were forbidden to consummate their marriage for 40 days to prove that their marriage was about more than sex. Joseph Kibweteere and Paulo Kashakun formed a movement after claiming to have received visions from God. The court found that there was not nearly enough evidence of any sort of abuse, and that the acquisition of the children by the state of Texas was unjustified. In 1833, John Quincy Adams wrote, I do conscientiously and sincerely believe that the Order of Freemasonry, if not the greatest, is one of the greatest moral and political evils under which the Union is now laboring. Conspiracy theories suggest that Freemasonry is associated with the occult, that it engages in mind control or other similar activities, and that it is satanic. The entirety of this mass suicide represents how, in some cases, people can either be driven to do the bidding of whom they see to be their leader, even if it would defy all that they would have previously thought right, or true. World's Famous Cults People establish cults for numerous and varied reasons, acquisition of money and power being the major ones. Aum Shinrikyo (now known simply as Aleph) was founded. Fr. The following 116 pages are in this category, out of 116 total. Daily Mail. September 27, 2018. Alive and well to this day, the Westboro Baptist Church protests around the country. When that proposed date arrived, Kibweteere set the church on fire while his congregation was inside the building. Some of the marriages were between individuals who might have never even meet each other, such as one between a 71-year-old Catholic archbishop from Africa and a 43-year-old acupuncture from Korea. His cult ranks second among foreign cults to earn notoriety in the United States. Constanzos followers worshiped him as if he was a god. CATALOG OF THE CULTS Ahmadiyya Movement - Founder: Hazat Mirza . Life after a sex cult: If Im not a member of this religion anymore, then who am I? by Sophia Tewa. A religious cult often twists spirituality to suit the purpose of the leader or leaders, and those who question or criticize typically find themselves punished. All other paths lead to Hell [5] In 2010, the most recent year for which sects were officially distinguished[by whom?] It was a blend of shamanism, Christianity, anti-communism, and Confucianism. 1. After training with a Santeria sorcerer, he moved to Mexico City and established himself with the local drug lords and crime syndicates. March 11, 2017. 8 Occult, Satanic, or Black-Magic Cults. Nevertheless, today, we refer to bandits and robbers as thugs, after the Thuggee. However, Jones drug-induced mania led him to turn from the charming pastor that they had loved into a ruthless dictator. Rex/ This religion is based on the fact that each human was brought into the world (mostly) for their own pleasure. The Westboro Baptist Church in Austria, the groups included the Church of Scientology, the Divine Light Mission, Eckankar, Hare Krishna, Osho movement, Sahaja Yoga, Sai Baba, Sri Chinmoy, Transcendental Meditation, Fiat Lux, Universal Life, and The Family International.[6]. Next listed were "Pagan cults". Children who grew up in the cult were frequently raped. Marshall Applewhite was the son of a Presbyterian minister and displayed a fascination with Biblical prophecy. Of all the famous cults in American history, the United States has only been heavily influenced by two. David Berg formed one of historys most infamous cults, The Children of God, in the 1960s. Our list of the 15 best cult documentaries and docuseries include The Vow and Q-Anon. She told Applewhite that aliens had said to her that they would meet and concluded that he had a divine mission to fulfill. Here are the top 10 cults with massive followings. Charles had no other option but to move in with his uncle and aunt, where he turned to a petty criminal. However, the polygamous faction of Mormonism never entirely went away. Many who joined were teenage children, and they were encouraged to take part in just about any sexual act imaginable. Here's a list of 10 famous cults around the world. AP. Famous Cults In America: The Kashi Ashram. Rather, it offers useful and relevant knowledge. In short, he knew that the vast majority of the viewing public found him to be (at the time, if not now) a joke. The Unification Church is an active cult that is very similar to Christianity but with some differences. Members continued operating under the radar of authorities, and many people believe the Illuminati orchestrated the French Revolution in 1789. However in 1915 and 1946 respectively, the KKK would eventually reform. His mother was just 16 years old and single. SOME OTHERS: FINAL SUMMATION ON CULTS; BIBLICAL PROOF: RELIGIONS THAT ADD, CHANGE, DISCREDIT, OR TAKE AWAY FROM THE BIBLE (NO MATTER WHAT THE SOURCE) ARE NOT FROM GOD (See #7) A few years later, she was arrested and imprisoned for robbery with violence. Luc Jouret, a Belgian religious leader and neo-Nazi, reportedly started the group in 1984 under Christian guises, namely the second coming of Christ and the Knights Templar. The cult controversy is discussed, and important court cases involving cults and relevant legislation are cited. After drinking vodka and eating applesauce, they suffocated themselves with plastic bags over their heads. When he came out of jail in 1967, he moved from West Virginia to San Francisco, California. The Bhagwan infuriated American Christians when he declared the Christian God to be false. The state of Texas has as well. Here's an update on the ten most notorious cults in American history. In other words, a small religious group that professes Christian beliefs that are in keeping with mainstream Christian beliefs wouldnt be classified as a cult. i.ytimg. The late actor River Phoenix grew up in the cult, and he claimed that the first time he was forced to have sex, he was four years old. [17][18] In 2007, Yves Bertrand, General Director of the Renseignements gnraux from 1992 to 2003, spoke about his collaborative work with the parliamentary reports on cults, and said: "Alongside genuine and dangerous cults practicing removal of school, abuse of weakness or pedophilia, some groups have been a bit quickly dress up of the word cult". Belgium,[4] In short, they are a prime example of a cult that does not have a mission; rather, from their tasteless signs (God Hates Fags, Youre Going to Hell, Thank God for Dead Soldiers) to the URL of their website (, they simply aim to slander and disrespect others. He and his followers later escaped to this commune in 1977 when they heard that a magazine was publishing an article to expose their practices. Many of them had already been married, and some of the girls already had children of their own. The cult went down in history after Joness men assassinated Leo Ryan, a U.S. In no particular order: 1. 2 Eastern Cults. The materials, including the calling of Falun Gong a "cult," were identified as having breached the Criminal Code, which bans the wilful promotion of hatred against identifiable religious groups. Tom Cruises Interview with Matt Lauer Rate. This group would eventually change twice more: once into Total Overcomers Anonymous in 1993, and finally into Heavens Gate (the most recognizable name for the group) after the cult moved into the San Diego, CA area. There are also allegations about mistreatment from past members against the church. 1984: When police eventually found the bodies of people he had killed, what came to light is that he had dismembered many people and used their body parts in his rituals to strengthen his own powers. One of the most notorious factions to arise in that era was the Manson Family, led by none other than Charles Manson, who claimed to be the manifestation of Jesus Christ. This occurred after an alert from Sarah, a sixteen-year-old girl and a member of the church, tipped off the authorities to the sexual abuse of children on the ranch by older adult males. The cults members later tried unsuccessfully to release hydrogen cyanide into crowded subway stations. Those who declined his demands disappeared mysteriously. Known for their support of almost complete sexual freedom, as well as cloning, Ralists are an example of a passive cult; instead of resorting to violence and protests, they simply spread their message for the salvation of others. According to ZZF, Schfer fled Germany after allegations of child sex abuse began to emerge against him, and over 180 adults and 50 children followed him to Chile. The Ku Klux Klan 2. To access these PDF files you must have the free Adobe Reader installed. Many of his followers swore such a high level of allegiance to him that they strapped themselves into glider-like planes and dive-bombed into American warships stationed in the Pacific. Members of the unification church are also known as the Moonies. Reviews on Cults in Minneapolis, MN - Eagle Brook Church - Lino Lakes, Christ's Household of Faith, Church of Scientology Twin Cities, Clean Water Action, Kingdom Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses Charles Manson pictured following his arrest after the 1969 killing spree. The official count of people he killed is 23, but it may be as high as four dozen. Charles Taze Russel founds a Bible study group, as well as a magazine he will begin to publish. Heaven's Gate: The Cult of Cults | Official Trailer | HBO Max. The Freemasons are a secret society that doesnt necessarily have a creed, as far as people on the outside are aware, although there are plenty of conspiracy theorists who believe that there is a creed. What made the cult's beliefs deviate from mainstream religion was its fine blend of promiscuous sex and worship of Jesus Christ. CHOSEN ONE Cecilia Steyn, leader of Electus per . However, Jim Jones was actually a dedicated Marxist and founded his church as a means of infiltrating Christianity with communism. 5 Psychotherapy, Human Potential, Mass Transformational Cult. [1][need quotation to verify], The Austrian government does not always distinguish sects in Austria as a separate group. Hare Krsnas aren't a cult, there's no brainwashing, you can join in as much as you like and leave if you like, they preach love, compassion and kindness and they're teachings come from ancient texts that preceded Buddhism. Jones also facilitated the development of a Commune in Guyana called Jonestown. 5 Notorious 20th-Century Cult Leaders. In the 1970s, the group even adopted an evangelic approach dubbed flirty fishing. Leaders encouraged young females in the cult to have sex with potential converts to win them over. The Assassins were based in Alamut, Iran, and Masyaf, Syria. They would hide during the war and only emerge when the war was over. The report included a list of purported cults based upon information which may have been provided by former members, the general information division of the French National Police ( Renseignements gnraux the French secret police service) and cult-watching groups. As a modern UFO/Doomsday cult, Heavens Gate went on to not only become one of the most notable cults in history, but showed the world that almost anything, for certain people, is able to be accepted as truth. List Of Cults. 1975: Adolfo Constanzo's Santeria Cult Adolfo Constanzo was born in Miami in 1962 and grew up with a traditional Roman Catholic religion. Movement villagers were horrified at the mass murders committed by the leaders of The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. These range from the major branches (equivalent to Christianity's 'denominations'), alongside the mystic Sufi movement, to cults (in the theological sense of the term) like Ahmadiyya, Baha'i, and the Druze. 1 The People's Temple. community. Over the next five years, his congregation had grown to thousands of loyal followers. The groups teachings blended ecstatic worship of Jesus Christ with promiscuous sex. In 1975, members of the group sold all of their possessions and effectively disappeared. Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Wikipedia. 1954-1955: Cults and Sects of Islam. Together, they formed a breakaway religious movement that they called The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God. The challenge is in the crimes throughout history that seem to be somehow linked to the Freemasons. If anything, this may be the entirety of why Tom Cruise became a Scientologist: attention, even in its negative forms. They even purchased alien abduction insurance, which would cover up to 50 people with $1 million each. When it comes to cults, it is hard to compete with the United States: the country that gave the world the Branch Davidians, Heavens Gate, Jonestown, and the Manson Family, not to mention new religions such as Christian Science, Mormonism, Jehovah's Witnesses and Scientology. Russel founds a Bible study group, as they should eschew the (. Guyana called Jonestown, he moved to South America to continue living out their social justice dreams of he! Success to Constanzos rituals supernatural powers Joness men assassinated Leo Ryan, a U.S a God and 1946 respectively the. Was a blend of shamanism, Christianity, anti-communism, and they were encouraged to take part just. Years, his congregation was inside the list of cults Unification church is an active that. Day, the list of cults faction of Mormonism never entirely went away the two traveled across Oregon and California, apocalyptic... 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