invisible cat walking on my bed

I have now accepted it. 1. And, to think your experience has been with a black cat as well. Tell them to leave.At first I would place my Bible on the pillow and say the Lords Prayer out loud.I also put rock salt on all corners.didnt help.I dont think that these are ghosts.I think they are something far more superior.If i want to know where he is,I rock my foot.he goes there.I scratch my pillow.he goes there.This is EVERY NIGHT.As soon as I get in the bed and take 1 breath,before I exhale he is halfway to me.comes to my head.down to my feet,back to the edge of bed,and if I dont move he plops down like a dog.any movement and he is on top of it.I gave about 10 people access to my camera so they can check in on me during the night!Some believe me some do not! Maybe be they become more frequent because they felt that I miss them! Please come back and let us know how its going. I have no pets. Make a Peek-through Spot 7 4. One way you can reduce this behavior is to gently remove your kitty from the undesired spot and place her next to you, or even on the ground. Ive been sleeping on the couch since. I am saying the truth here; I am just sharing my experience . Ive experienced this a few times in the last few days, but tonight I woke up to the feeling of a cat jumping onto my bed and then fighting with another cat. Since Spring of 2017, I, too, have been having my own strange visitations that at first were totally unnerving as we have never owned a cat, but the previous owners did and until I decided to do some further research I was almost blown away, like many others, by the countless stories that exist out there on this mystery. Now I still get that at times but most of the time it feels like a cat jumping onto my bed then walking around and nothing is there. Youre right beside me is the first time I heard it. I felt the same thing this morning and a coule of times before. Nothing really scared me about that day but it did kind of wake me up to how I can open up to other energies. I cant explain it. I first heard a disturbance and thought it might be one of my children then I felt something jump on the bed . Needless to say, it was very strange! There was nothing among my blankets to cause it to hang up other than the cats. I have 2 cats now and have had 3 others that have passed away. As a pet owner, your first step should be to closely observe your cats behavior, with the goal of determining whether this is an isolated incident or a repetitive behavior. Feel free to start a new one. Im tired of it too. There are so many things in my photographs that Ive had to seek psychological help I havent seen everything from little tiny people to Demons and angels and animals that are very odd-looking. Hi, We cant all be nuts an we? It scares me to feel something that I cant see. I consider myself a man of science, and this is very hard to explain. Thanks for sharing your experiences, Jared. I looked up and although I did not see anything, it growled at me but not like a cat. But then I started to get sneaky and try to catch it out. I used to call out for my dog. This just happened a mere 45 minutes go. But that was enough! I have even moved away from where we lived and she is buried, but she has followed me. Hi Stella, Ive had this happening for many years. Ive felt and heard others passing through, but not since I quit staying up late. Your cat may be unsettled when you have visitors and may hide under your bed until they feel confident enough to come out. Not sure ehat I am dealing with, but I asked my Guardian Angel to tell me. Look it up and see if it sounds like what you experienced. I was in my reclining chair, and when I looked up from what I was doing I saw a dark cat running toward the chair. This whole thing has really freaked me out. Yes it has happen to me as well thats why I Google it an saw your post I have travel a lot an no matter where I go it still happend. Be persistent and unrelenting. That might be what you experienced. So the first time I felt something jump on my bed, curl up on my pillow while purring, I thought nothing of it. I cant sleep because of this. At this point the energies have been released into spirit, and you can then proceed to cleanse another person, object, or space. When I finally did get the chance to move I awoke and started hitting the pillows to see if there were cats there. because I saw them and talk with them! I wondered when this spirit started following me and attached itself to me ive been to some crazy mental hospitals to get better and theres also a hospital on the otherside of the old folks home and around the block a graveyard. That was years ago at another house. Kim. Over the years, one of the explanations for sleep paralysis has been associated with the UFO phenomenon and abductees of which much has been written. We were married for 26 years. It continues to this day. It is very interesting! But I never gave it much thought in the light of day. But thats all I felt, the jump onto the bed, no walking on the bed. It has crossed oceans, and been with me on 3 different continents. I live alone ( kids are all grown and gone) I currently have no pets. I live in california where they are common. My husband thinks I am over reacting, but hes not the one feeling the invisible cats every night. Hi, I do have a cat currently but I know it wasnt him because he had literally just settled above my pillow and was smooching my hand And purring. Crazy can leave anytime ..Im tired of itwhy why why. Good luck Debby.Kim has been admirable in providing a really great support group for us here so please keep posting as it gives us an outlet in which to tell our stories and to express our fears and concerns. You all sound like wonderful, sensitive people. I get this quite frequently too. Then I felt same ol thing not constantly mabe once a week. Its as if hes waiting or watching for something. I had a scarey incident worse then usual. I felt the mattress sink down as they sat on the bed. They would coming running and enter my foam rubber topper bedding I would see nothing. I know theyre harmless, but I dont like coming in contact with things that I cant see at least not most of the time. Everyone tells me Im crazy or its my medicine making me dream these things. Even when I go away overnight they follow me. I moved to the side and punched the spot it came from. I just layed there and even opened my eyes to verify I was completely awake. That's because people rest on sofas, and the pests are attracted to carbon dioxide and warmth, both of which indicate a viable food source. Im not scared. Its almost as if something is trying to draw something out of me. I havent seen it again, but that was an experience I shall never forget. And heard it jump off too. Thanks for sharing your situation. Looks like no one here has any real answers. I actually feel the mattress go down right next to my arm or leg. raw girls gone naked on the streets of key west florida. Its mouth was open as if it were meowing or hollering, but I couldnt hear the sound. If I Believed in ghosts and thought it really is a passed on cat that just wants human attention, Id feel Bad or Mean to Ignore it. This was my second experience feeling an invisible cat near me or on me. It was after I realized that I was doing something out of the ordinary that I could no longer do it. I have just lost a pet cat that i was extremely close to and i think it is just grief or something. Much as she does with a pile of blankets, a pillow or the couch, your kitty needs to make sure she chooses the perfect It was obvious he was not going to turn around. Ive even called for my cat after feeling it or looked to see which it was before only to find out no one is there. Sarcasm? poe's law and all I have had many experiences with the paranormal before but nothing like this. When theres 3 of them there is so much activity on my bed that its hard to go to sleep. It doesnt seam to want to communicate with me, but it helps me releave stress. Its still unnerving to me. I also have experienced what feels like an animal crawling over me at night. And this has been my story! So I stayed uo for awhile, tried to settle back down and relax, got on my phone and was just playing around on my phone online. Then all of a sudden I start to get many. When I saw it i was like a cat. If it fixes it for you please share this information with everyone that experiences this issue. On several occasions I have heard someone talk or whisper into my ear; this could be a single word or sentence. . this happen when i was in different place where no pets. Soft pillows or blankets 4 2. It is a strange feeling, Jessica. No activity other than that. One afternoon while taking a nap I felt two of them join me in bed in broad daylight. I am not the only one I feel that cat or whatever it was walking around my legs on my blanket. I love them all dearly. Todays time and date when it occurred: 12:00am January 20. It scares me so Much! i felt it was a dog every night it walks up and down my bed. I feel like hes protecting me somehow. If so, did you figure out what it was? I was wide awake and in a normal state of mind when all of this happened for more than one night thus they are for real & not a fragment of my imagination. Im talking a good 7-8 inches if not more! Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. But once I actually saw the image, I figure maybe it was the cats spirit. My cat Bobaloo used to do that. Thank you Kim and everyone. I havent felt it in a long time now. In a weird way Im glad it all happened/is happening because it brought me back to God. I sleep on a water bed. When he said the name I almost couldnt speak. That does sound like sleep paralysis. The other morning it was behind my head, pulling his paws down the back of my hair. Ive had it happen lately too. The other I think is a kitten because I can feel it crawling up the side of the bed then walks up and down the bed and settles near my feet which is ok but it then Licks my feet which I dont like and bites my toes I try to push it away but it comes back I keep pushing it away after about 10 minutes it gives in. I was grief stricken laying in bed trying to get to sleep when I felt her walking up the center of the bed, but her steps felt unusually heavy (dead weight)? A light weight walking/touching sometimes as if it was playing chess across my covers when my husband and i would sleep at nite..though my husband never felt it, though i didnt discuss it..after my husband passed about a year seem to stop..but last night i experience it again..touching , moving across the bed..this time got very close to my pillow before drifting into i annointed my bed this morning with Holy oil and asked GOD to reveal this type of engery/source/ spirit to i know HE will. Its strange. At least its comforting. Can other people hear it too? It was unnerving, but I am hoping it will happen again sometime so I can pay closer attention. The part about people ghosts doesnt surprise them but once you say you have six or so cats running around on your bed.all of a sudden Im crazy. In fact, when I was little, everyone in our house would be sound asleep long before me. It sounds funny, but I also sleep with a small light on. I found out a couple of months later that my ex-Mother Inlaw had passed away around that time. I can feel the arm of the chair sink down. I felt that I could do that when I was a child, but in time I no longer had the ability. I absolutely love it. I have found the following on this topic: 2Co 12:7-9 And lest I should be exalted above measure through the abundance of the revelations, there was given to me a thorn in the flesh, the messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I should be exalted above measure. i would feel something jump on the bed, or the bed would vibrate like an earthquake was going on. Its odd that you should mention that. Ive had it walk on me, and lay above my head on my pillow. In fact I was rather glad because it really made me aware that I wasnt dreaming this stuff! Tho it didnt explain the bruises and the images. This will be the first time Ive ever said any of this to anybody out loud. And, as disturbing as this phenomenon can be, I guess at my core I didnt want anyone to judge me as crazy, or to tell me my home may be inhabited by a presence other than my own. I feel that he protects me from them. But I knew if I gave into it I would develop a phobia or something. I have had many other cats, but I have only experienced this after her passing. Then I feaked out that maybe something was inside my mattress. I was very scared at first, and I understand. 2 of our newer girls, young and pretty Julia and Victoria in their first day recei 9:02. I let my fear get away from me. Who knows what was on that property before the house was built. A very strange coincidence as he has never done that before and i cant recall ever dreaming about him before tonight. & Mostly when he isnt home. I got up and went to bed with my wife. I believe it is my ghost cat, that often visits me. This didnt really scare me and was sort of comforting but what really freaked me out was I felt like someone was watching me. At first it scared me but now I feel it must be my cats spirit, she just wants to be next to me like she always did when she was alive. After a long bout of illness & not working, Ive be become well again. I felt someone or something moving the blanket down by my leg. I can feel them land on the bed and then walk over my feet. I contacted ghost huntersthey never respondedcontacted another group.they came and did a meet and greet and hear my story.They are supposed to return and set up some equipment and try to get the proof I need.Oh and tin-foilha ha they walked all over it.never made a sound or dent.I have 1 that is always herehe comes first.sometimes as many as 4. In my current house, I cant really recall that happening. Strictly Necessary Cookie should be enabled at all times so that we can save your preferences for cookie settings. I am a dedicated strong Christian. I have concluded that the problem is physical,tho I cant explain how it works,I now believe this has been my problem all along. And I wasnt even asleep yet Id just be awake and it felt like the cat jumped on the bed and was walking around. I have had the exact same experience for years after my cat Yogi passed away. I dont know what it is but I would like to find out. SoIm pretty sure that what yall are dealing with us an incubus/succubus. That wasnt all. After experiencing the same thing for a year, about two months ago the visitations abruptly stopped except for one morning last week when my husband walked into the bedroom. One time in particular I was lying in bed by myself. There are times when I have a very strong sense of its presence even if I dont feel it walking around on the bed. When I wake up due to visitations by this cat, my blood pressure is so high that I can hear it in pumping my head. the experiences became more intense by the time until they develop to this : I wish that I did. I knew it actually happened b/c as I am trying to come to terms with what I just witnessed, my heart began beating a bit faster. like a cat kneeding right beside me and walking up beside me, but nothings there. It would appear that I shouldnt expect much success at ridding myself of its presence as this phenomenon has the ability to appear/disappear at will: we have absolutely no control over its coming or going. Hi Kim, Its so interesting that so many others have felt this. I reach as everyone does and its not there. There was no deaths in the neighborhood that I knew of for the short time we lived there, but it was real.I saw them. I woke up straight away, only to find my 2 months old baby boy had his bedsheet covering his face!?? Does it speak in a human voice? I do have a fan running in my bedroom but 3 days ago I was at my daughters place 3 hours away and the first night I didnt get much sleep. Of course when I turn around, nothing is there. If you have such a visitor and do not want them there and have asked them to please leave and they dont, they may be a fallen angel. it felt like a cat in your bed? My personally experience has of this cat walking on the bed has been for years, but I have never owned a cat before only dogs. He literally guards the bottom of my bed, and will occasionally chase things off. That is so frightening, Enie. Now the . Its not imagined. So if it was my cat, when I look around even turning on the lights to see all throughout the room, Id see her! So then, every once in a blue moon this would happen. I have had this happen to me I wake up cant move . About a month later it happens again. It freaked me out. I havent noticed the cat(s) lately. That very morning while laying there thinking about getting up from my nap, I felt three loud frightening thumps on the left side of my bed, almost like someone taking a fist and pounding on the bed. Id say, once or twice a year up to now. Peace and Blessings. They sit on my bed or on the floor facing the door, and theyre wide awake as if theyre watching for something to enter. A couple of weeks ago I got an idea, to investigate, and took a K-2 EMF device to bed with me. Many cats have died here . And then he told me he thought one of our cats climbed into bed with us and as it walked up to his face he opened his eyes and nothing was there. It happened a few times now, and I couldnt tell if it was just my legs or the entire mattress. Its easy for those to say who arent going through it. I instantaneously started to pray in Jesus name for it to leave and I have never experienced any thing like that again. It is real. Thats exactly what happens to me! To my amazement many, many people across the globe have had the same experience. We had one cat who passed away in 1993, but this even happened before that. You are o.k. I dont think they are my cats or even cats at all. I feel the cat too sitting or moving up the bed. I know this is just my imagination, and i have never ever had a nightmare or anything of the sort before. I felt the hand of a child on my thigh. I immediately sat up, listened and looked around the room (yes, I sleep with a light on now) to see if my dog was around, but she wasnt there.shes seldom in my room. I urge you to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior, find a good Bible-believing Christian friend and church to go to, and command that thing to leave in Jesus Name. Most people sharing their experience here havent mentioned being harmed. Thats terrifying, Ed. Something with human feet. She couldnt. Well, about a year ago I started feeling something jump up on the bed and walk around. But this morning when I felt it I just laid there with my eyes closed just to see if it was just a dream but no it continued to step one foot on the bed between my legs and one step by my wrist, so I thought ok instead of sitting up in my bed Im just gonna try to move the blanket by my hand but I couldnt move it, so than I sat up and I feel the cat jump off my bed! I finally thought of doing a search on it. You may be going to a spiritual war with something you dont really want to know and this is only the begining. Sometimes it feels like someone sits down on my bed. It was a heavier shake of the bed as an animal leaving. After a vacation the end of July with my husband, we returned to spend the night with my mom. Thanks for the initial post though. And there is always a slight vibration coming from it too. Has this ever happened to anyone who has no cats !? I agree. Just to add one more daughter does not have a fan in the bedroom I slept in. Ive said repeatedly that I cant see it, but thats the biggest problem. He had a dog with him. After about 8 times over a few months. or then again it could be cat ghosts. I could go on and on about that house. I dont know if I will continue to keep my eyes closed or if my curiosity has increased after reading this that I may try and interact with the cats. Maybe its what Ive been feeling on the bed. People would have thought we were crazy. the second night it even nudged my hand like he used to do when he wanted to be petted. I was worried about it and forgot about messages. This thing is messing with me. We had a cat for almost 15 years, but she was long gone by the time this started. I found it so strange that decided to google it to see if there was an explaination for it, and was shocked to find everyones post. Its still a mystery. I feel it starting out by walking on my feet then it walks up my bed on my left side by my leg and tries to walk on me, but I shake the sheets before it gets on top of me. Gday, Ive just experienced something of similar that freaked me out, thinking automatically a ghost just bloody woke me up..Therefore I am now wide awake for the rest of the night while Im guarding my wife and kids. Cat zoomies are usually a result of unused energy. I wish I knew what it was what it means. Visitors may be unsettling your cat. Walked up to the back of my head. Something you said sounded very familiar. To come out when he said the name I almost couldnt speak to pray in name! Me out was I felt same ol thing not constantly mabe once a week come out it happened few! To want to know and this is very hard to explain overnight they follow.. Nothing among my blankets to cause it to leave and I wasnt even asleep yet just. 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