doom 3 find the main portal

A large group of monsters ambushes you on this floor. Reach the bay door and beware of cacodemons appearing behind you. The last portion of Doom 3 takes place at Site 3. Enter analysis control. It could have also been obtained from the cameras. Find your first rocket launcher on this rack. Return to the hall and go into the door on the left. Enter the lift and proceed to level two, communications. Make it quick! The lights switch off and monsters teleport in. Return to the lift and descend to level two. Retrace your steps back to the administration lobby. Approach the console and click any bin. Stand on and activate the teleporter. A hell knight enters from the right side; the back left corner contains health. Doug Radcliffe Unlock the communications area using this console. When the floor breaks, drop down and use the ladder. Alpha Labs - Sector 3 contains the secondary coolant control system for the molecular fuel storage compactor. Objective: Reach the Monorail. Also there's some armor and ammo in the dark corners on the left side of the room. Exit the opposite door and eliminate a couple cacodemons. Be ready to move once the arch vile fires its ground flame attack. Keep enough distance between you and the demon so you can slide along the center edge and take cover against the cyberdemon's projectiles. Finish off the remaining imps then board the lift. The path splits but connects at several points. The shotgun can kill more than one at a time but its slow "recharge rate" (the amount of time required to fire another round) is too long; by the time you can fire another shell, the trites and ticks are even closer around you. A hell knight waits in an alcove to the left. Several lost souls attack from the rear section of the warehouse. Beware of imps here. Finally a team of imps comes in. Speak with him. Maneuver around to the far door to initiate the cut scene. You'll also find specific combat tips for defeating tough areas and boss monsters. Descend a staircase to find a plasma gun resting next to this corpse. Snag Adam Berneche's PDA off of the counter; listen to the audio file and read the emails. You'll face guards, imps, and cacodemons. Security. Blast them then find a med kit in their dark corner. If you're running low on ammunition, search for more instead of attempting to defeat tough enemies with a flashlight or your fists. Get off at three and battle a cacodemon and imp. Enter the security station. Explore the floor and take the lift up to the second level of the CPU lab. Throw grenades around corners to wound or kill enemies. Stock up on plasma cells by transporting to pad two. Continue into the MFS compressor room and battle a group of enemies before finding the storage locker behind the compressor. Move to the left side of the room and observe the pattern of the spinning mechanisms. Defeat the guards inside the lobby then move up to the console. Battle a zombie and imp through the next door. It was Doom that put the term first-person shooter on the gamer map. Though not dangerous as a single unit, the trites and ticks are intimidating in large numbers. Approach the ladder in the left corner; a friend from above lowers it. Cross the rock bridge and shoot the barrels next to the imp that appears. He's typing a log. Ride it up to the third floor: communications. Proceed left then down to the right killing a couple zombies blocking your path. Communications: Central Communications Tower is the eleventh level of Doom 3. Hop to the bottom and look at the table to find the keycard to the upper storage room. Grab the armor on the other side. Walk out and battle the cacodemons. Site 3 is the ground level access point to the original subterranean Mars base structure. Exit the lift and grab supplies. Find a collection of ammo on this scaffolding. Exit through the opposite door. Move through the door in the back--beware of another imp that appears behind you. Snag more items in the corner and find even more across the room in the lit corner. This armored skeleton brandishes a rocket launcher on each shoulder. But it's wise to keep the hell knight at a distance. Continue through. The next room contains a hell knight to the right. When the imp appears, retreat and shoot the one that materialized behind you. Exit and move toward the door into engineering. Grab the armor and use the health station if needed. Follow the sentry bot to the elevator that leads to the lower maintenance levels. Meet your first Doom 3 imp. After defeating the Sabaoth, grab the BFG 9000. Don't waste strong weapon ammo on slow zombies. Battle the spider then gather armor and health (from the station). An imp joins the second revenant. From the generator, move through the door at the top of the steps then take a right through the next door. So it goes without saying: proceed with caution through the frag chamber. By Doug Radcliffe on January 18, 2006 at 12:23PM PST. Use the rising cylinder to reach the upper catwalk. From the berserk spawn spot, the right exits lead back to the reactor room and the upper left exit leads to a cave-like chamber containing armor and health. Defeat the revenant that appears then enter the decontamination room. The upper balcony of the room offers an excellent vantage point on the generator and any user. Doom 3 focuses on slow methodical gameplay, as opposed to the "run and gun" feel of its predecessors. Tackle the maggot before attempting to shoot the revenant up and to the right. Climb it all the way back up. Continue into the junction. Go up the steep ramp along the right wall to find some supplies at the top. You've reached J. Edwards. But as soon as he turns the corner, move up close and blast the imp with the shotgun. Defeat more spiders that follow you up. Something is throwing explosive barrels at you. The airlock gets stuck open on the other side; you spot a zombie moving by. There are two lifts here. Battle the zombies and imps. The communications tower is the primary link for off-planet communications. Doom 3 - Objective 28: Reach the Main Portal, Switch gameplay - YouTube Check our playlists for more!Locker ID 103 code 259, Locker ID 216 code 624, Locker ID 217 code 624New inventory. One particular tablet closely resembles original Doom artworkexcept for the presence of the soul cube. Move inside into containment purge: where some very bad things have happened. Pick up the video disk and PDA off this desk. There's a. There are several exits, both upper and lower floors, and on each side of the room. Search the area for ammo and a health station before moving on. You should recognize this place from when you moved above it. Check out the information kiosk if you wish. Locate Reactor Control Room. Fend them off with your shotgun while you wait for the ladder to extend. Return to the bridge and proceed to central processing. Don't waste strong weapon ammunition on these enemies. Kill it and continue onward. Thorough exploration reveals a PDA by this corpse. Follow the cavern around to the left. Its melee attack is very quick and capable of knocking you around silly while other enemies reach your position. A stationary imp is also an inviting target. Return to the lobby. Listen to the audio logs and read the emails. The email includes a locker code--371--for the cabinet near stasis transfer control. Shoot the maggot inside and pick up the supplies from the shelf. Wraiths often travel in numbers so be careful waiting for one to move close; there could be another wraith teleporting in behind you. The top of the reactor room holds another price. Gather ammo and health from the room. Grab Charles Hollies' PDA, which includes a cabinet code 142. Objective: CPU Complex. Face the arch vile around the corner on the way out. The door here is locked. Press the button to extend the ladder, which jams. A complimentary message is your reward. Developer Vicarious Visions ported the game to the Xbox, releasing it on April 3, 2005.. Doom 3 is set on Mars in 2145 . The arch vile stands in place presenting an inviting target. Kill the zombie to the left in this junction hallway then enter the infirmary access on the right. Shoot the barrels to eliminate the imp. Use pad 2 security to enter the locked security office. Go to the back corner, which triggers a maggot. Repeat by killing more seekers and blasting the guardian's blue orb again until the beast dies. Grab the armor, ammo, and chainsaw near him. However, read the email to discover the code is now 931. At the bottom, look down and spot the moving platforms. Continue along the only path and through the next door at the top of the stairs. Look off the normal path to find some ammo and armor. Find the PDA on the left; it's Francis Erikson's PDA. Watch out behind you; a soldier ambushes you. The Vagary hurls objects at you, which makes it difficult to remain at long-range. The first door up the ramp leads to armor and the shotgun. Search the immediate area for health. Gather supplies from the shelf. Use the panel next to the door leading toward the CPU complex. Speak with P. Rogers, who provides his PDA and new security clearance. All access is under security supervision. A zombie ascends a ladder ahead of you. Tomiko Reactor is defined, understandably, by a double-floor, circular walkway reactor room. Ready your pistol and exit. Reach Marine HQ and move inside to find Sergeant Kelly. Approach the thumping door at the end (with the inviting armor in front) and get smacked by some hell beast. Grab the PDA near the corpse. This ferocious beast somewhat resembles a gigantic dogor perhaps a lion without furor a bull with a mechanical torso. Search the station for health and armor (there's more underneath the monorail track). You can evade them easy by jumping onto the top of the pipes that hover above the room below. When you spot an opponent inside the frag chamber, use the console and watch the fun begin. Enter the records office and slice up some zombies. Defeat him and grab the weapon for yourself. Unlock the cargo lift controls at this console. A console inside the control room can be used to activate the chamber. Crush him with your chain or plasma gun. Continue through the next door to find the storage locker mentioned in the PDA. As you approach the open doorway, beware of spiders from behind and a maggot in front. You'll battle a revenant and imp on the way. Explore chamber 2 access and be ready for spawned monsters, which include imps and a revenant. It's better to save the cube until you face a tough enemy, such as a hell knight or arch vile. Enter the normal door first (not the bay door) and find a soldier inside. The rocket launcher works well here. Open the locker for ammo and armor. Return to the systems control room and walk between the monitors to place the data linker. Contents [ hide ] 1 Summary 1.1 Objectives 2 Characters 3 PDAs 4 Statistics 4.1 Enemies 4.2 Items 4.2.1 Starting inventory 5 Locker codes 6 Secrets 7 Trivia Proceed to surface access. The logs reveal the code to the storage locker inside the room--347. Descend the ladder, kill another imp, and then ascend the stairs into the control room. Save up to use against a hell knight and you can mow down the beast in a single ammo belt. Cross the bridge and shoot the soldier that enters from the front; turn around quickly to blast the imp. Gather the health and ammo and continue through the next door. A second revenant appears from the storage room on the right. If you're hunting here, don't stand too close to the berserk spawn spot or you might be on the receiving end of a rage-filled punch. BFG cells are the rarest ammunition in the game. Grab some supplies from this storage area. Leap up the staircase and ascend. You can also use it as a hiding spot to kill the enemies. When done, go through the unlocked door around the right corner. If you hear the low clip sound warning, retreat to a safe location and reload. Ride the lift up. While it's not going to mow down the toughest enemies quickly, the machine gun is good enough to go toe-to-toe with most foes at medium-to-long range. Climb the stairs ahead of you and enter the blue light. Move into the passage opened by the imps. Stand on the red square and be scanned. When the imp appears ahead of you, shoot the red barrel to cause an explosion--killing the imp.

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