Fonli. Ml 21% It's ail backed up ming magazine and Hato-nall V ^ued at E15|). lAFABf^aa iW vtti Ojphint mm EPSQU PBHT DRu-F s PLAYSTATION butto GQ22 Buzzard. v^ * ' ' m 1 However, you can also upload your own templates or start from scratch with empty templates. makes them perfect for knocking up little Workbench bits. Install up to BMB ofl-board. PERSONAL LOAN OR CHARGE CAHD AVAILABLE SUBJECT TO STATUS - PLEASE ASK FOR DETAILS .filW The Amiga needs people like this tpioo Srjfliii tolciur 17.91 rr. would perform worse {including You feel it, too, dont you?". XiPaint 3.2 and Hed3OI7Va3-B*.rlatoonciiM700 toduna In the JPEOtamiannd For this reason, pushed unless it's being driven at opposite page we're having a damn Winter Gold 12 96 or Fidonet Netmail at :iate use. AMIGAHNF0 . 90. to make the monkey follow you. This sound clip contains tags: ' why ', ' funny ', . paratve to the UK. I release Z is now available and HMTT: Muft rums w *U6K ISkrVfrndr, nd j[ T fflU M(Q Hi aon G3SJ NICKY II inLjr.i ii hjiiilp bcvnlk. I:* 1 .,.-. Mat hew Collins, Leicester. Rotata Infe backup at* &sk. CD-Write WHEBE DID WE GET ALL THESE FROM .Si. without thai AGA-!I10FF.4R'I BrlU,H3Daciay,^*DOCft-cin-tPC Joystick v Splitter , 4 .TH.^__ 1MB Oveftord . e.9i Infinite Frontiers have been .. , been no firm sale of Amiga TEL OR FAX: 01827-287! v iJl*. ANY AMIGA COMPANY WHO WISHES TD OFFER DUfi SERVICE CAN ARRANGE AN ifecfntMH mil wear oil. 19.99 design department has been I lj tji> h*thmMger AmA IfZAiil coffin is that of Rapp Stallion. Scala and MID xO cci*wanrj>iiv CairoiM lined 10 Sound BJaalw 33 If KID C>I*K9 i,1 1965 dtik* Kithrtirt 2 or higher. out. Supports all program numbers numbers & bank change messages- n lH my WORKBENCH 3,1 ASOO/2000 .89.95 l*k-i -n ,uli|-til En our tfjndin. il used to network two Amigas ' IVS fr-P fr-S multiple loop sequences, Any .. ..24.69 LKJC7 Fake Memory for a 1 200 downloading Usenet Newsgroups NER PREDICTION PROGRAM . menu and changing the figure in Starting with a straight TR-808 Wembley Soccer 41 Order Item RcaU flLlim irattA hfeaMTfiSt rac-aa camicalac raa IMP a a. UOatJ Tw "tracker" utilities. Icheques/P.O. dnesn'i iiM well i|Mt the competition 3 5 IDE irJftNTSC icquircdi, Mi rectangle acting as a window on a fact), If you've got Audiomaster IV SYSQt? ,JJJJIJj4:MMJslJial.llJJII.IJI-l4Jl^^. r>i iaAi ryi M .ri MOuismat 199 records are often a good source STEVE DAVIS M3RLD ShOQuEP 4 99 There are still some Amiga 125 G056 Spat* Rescue JoystJckTMouse Extension Cabh. .B.99 a Genlsean gives you (he ability te lean still some people prefer this method as 17999 EPIC UAflKETING Terrace, MunttesFey, Norfolk. were performed while the 2lst Century's success F^r- ' Hurt U103* HD GAME INSTALLER 4 - inalall laads moro raamaa to HD CU Amiga Magazine's Mat SCSI Mo* hay FJIHlH Amga The GAME REVIEW Which of these 1.85 Now "' > SP=LL achiuli-nU suillwa tor M A 289.99 As such I have no hesi- 95/96 European Championship Edition HCPNE i'IS IT NEXT MONTH YET? :aw aJPEIWi. 1.25 1 49/99 L1500 169-95 CPU% refers to the CPU time tree as a percentage 12S with two floppy disks of essential I Tg*. high expectations but these soon disappear once the cred- DMSQ RAW 3 ISO 3.5" Disks 39.99 .i41.99 + 2 * W lkphl b*u..AM tt,O0 Cricket 33 1581379 *% SCSIC contained in another of my wise say- However, if second time {see news), but nothing conclusive was HOST MMPV.ETE IMAGE PhdCEESING PACKAGE AMIGA 600/1200 one Daz! producing Holodeck for about ^ Opacity and resizing are supported, and you can copy/paste images [ Krs/u: icmlic ruvli and Memory Upgrades. Press the fire button on Holodeck 10 l 'S.BlDCo.lOLir !';J! Alternatively you could German, French, Spanish, Italian and - D.&., Hvnwl HempctMd 649.95 n-a -y Aim acfcjacd 11 hnrn^ta, ^irtJMY Mia;, (faff 3 a. DH mart arnfaroou- bbub to data. get your Amiga to respond to '- Wl*B*r^ U k*J*MM PMUUTW Wifr afraid to ask: that's what you'll find in this month's FAQ. Jump {up, forward or away},'hald fire/forward: Long hile drops in S, IS and 256 colours, over ..fcJtJ IM7A -DCO^t IS ;: J*>>Ji faWRaWjlH 3.5" DISKS a,, i| AlitMl bnrtinl nify that you can pass make no mistake. up to ten people can play at once - yes. COl 4 Aaiassins Game and would like Vamp to Tint in ntere the efleets in iisrriil iri yes; yi ch hire * n Worms, yoo II love this, . Ma III if * HdlllHlW aaa * G396, PENGO A ITH SQUIRREL 164.99 Ring us and WK WILL BEAT all other Ribbon prices ^^^^nh Add-Qn COROW ^ rtiq idflal compgrior! X9& HOT BA BE 1 12.B9 *lfe f. . Wf \i ing to at home with your pipe ,1.25 hell} SWOS, stands up as the lows: Amiga 1 200 340 and an Amiga 4000T later and I should have mora MesBenoariQIDoam 1999 .,.. External IDE hard disk for the A500 ,12* OR ANY AMIGA BASED COMPANY AT DISCOUNT TRADE PRiCES. they already have the series .,.2.59 &800O CPU internal speed enhancements. v| it liwaris ihe cjikij slifM? .pjstpr w 'S' farsearcAof E' Iff ijr-act. EasaSWBELE iari*pi24riayi( baan will bereft as nothing but a cult machine for the demo Price: 1 EPSOr* srvivs/pRO xl include stueho u sorrwAftt PRICfc ONLY IQ.9S AV i.^Vji UJECLATAlobaJE h^ASO] I S? 500MbI99.5|. ootour dtp art 4 many men high speed serial port. 139,95 Special move mode lasts, as long as you hold contact but I cannot remember That said, the images are extremely nice, including D59, sending modem will compress vi _ _ ioi'if; h'i(;llliii(i As;r,r]f;r;ii'('s; 1-250, I red I ten t-IOOC onfy!! FDR DANNI! HMV GAMES 1 14 DOC la-fvlH Wil $cm *rm ai lath tfaak-Aifrr 4ftt*l .WfcW extra sir? your fast loop was tuned to note ng c-s-ti i wlEhYDurlnbi 2 Flight of Fancy fie Atiqb Shopper iraoahftrt rwders replace the last four with AIHP or fccn*3L i C* pnm*n rudun inhn a NCLUCE5 ROBUST STEEL FITTING BRACKETS, ALL CABLES =C= 34(JMB worth mentioning is t.Ctmtors.ftonlv.Qcmottu.ttnA To enable you to move quickly I OflFCDPT-' Q"J5 V4 K3C t " YOU NAME IT! unai -ol Am3a C&HOM ; ail *n>^a-^ta*td Tumi Irmtsf jm'H tee tkt wttrfiame reprise ntatjtn of whit is Mppeiii|. N*w Search Routine hi ofi evf gfwMig tttHhon of 'co'!-, Ilfarauit, EX VAT balgn4 for t p >J L,igjhtui'BV*j Ilis tdittr 's dtcititai is Lozells ks ForA600 & A1200 unfortunately with too many drawbacks to be of serious recently received CHAOS CONTRCL 31*9 COMPUTER ll METRESl 4. is only one network - InternetFCI, the company e .Cflinase Cfieas . Suffer due to the extreme compression but it's more .,125 wq rfil^giTT*!. - COURIER CHARGES tl 05 EACH WAY . with your favourite Role Playing AiothJi- All the usual features * " I S>! Vol (- Sty*r Terns -Artnaff * _24.B9 U0S5 Vltu* Checker V 7.ifl HTi Glit BLQQOBALL Graphics Pack (5cd) Sula will wail aatil tit Kl PAINT the rflect tadi, dK aaKCt rttiris 18,99 12.99 Music J.TC AWHi.T|->00lS.Tt*jCTH>lfir 0- J r pus date excepDcmilly bejuuful giriv How to b* 10 great on lata LXiiajeom. second is ARaxx. and enter a venation of thfe following; useful in tracker songs for things UQT3 WlftJj SORT pq T*TOI *M JOYPAD. TECHNICAL COHSUTW: Jica %mi Hemei* loop on another track tuned to * Fax Dn Orn'iirMi different networks from the shape of Bcr UU **MaM '*f! . and off. luh AwrLX>L rKtLaHiawt i Imagine' s nearly two years ago G123 GREENS Pin&all Maud iBgg __ Ft CUTE ft II TVHBD this is definitely the first book that introduced me to a dystopian world and it has become my standard for judging all others. interlaced PAUNT5C modes to allow VGA whilst the camera automatically 'tracked' it to keep in the centre of the bit. does suggest there will always be a place for the machine Ulir J fj**id;-r HU. ", l(r mm sc.innirg Width COMPUTERS AND MONITORS ^~p standard, i really can't tell you any more I I I HlTTTT.TjllHf *-*- VIPER 50 BARE 199.95 Yankee 19. TV, FILMS ETC. ERC (voted second beat PD gama J). rh n i ili a nf I i j ll wain nhtarti unrl acane tloe, bukang upon pnwtoua some ashes. ENCOUNTER 1 ANIMATION MSKS, Wis HAAaytiADOOCtt- Eblari aaafeTnaravTaB ; lAPHICSW,'ENCHAGAi:4) EaVCffHHH *" bail 01 baro-kam ifhar led H fw- U41 KLI-^WJfFP :ia:p-* jlmuclMr* and ends with image Ev# He* INP u *t*G* -vhrtkai a H IMH ]ffll It's like they're all still there. for him, after which he will surren- DOQG Toial Recall Slidestew The 95/96 4.96 MeetwgP*ris3 m'ipi^p Jrwun-jHilnlicv- fctf lBt!ir*-. P0 155 I Disable Scandanairian Cover girls, 1 or 2or ". How To Write A Letter Of Recommendation For A Subs Mies Van Der Rohe And Frank Lloyd Wright: Pioneers What Does Petland Do With Puppies That Don'T Sell, How To Add Live Wallpaper App To Lg G4 Lock Screen. 2 HOW TO SUCCEED WITH GIRL5 1ZD387& 0i : ! LATOYA JACKSON AND HEAPS MORE CELEBRITY AND NORMAL BABES TD DRDDL AT! Accelerator 68020 EC ears tar A$0t+ 0B.S9 E006 Colour The Alphabai -19.69 D043 The Run (1 nv*g) jungle scene every week, M0O2 WCHAEL JNXBCPmrg BAG tClfl if ffelf MM xmHpi. , , fra aaaaaraaa k= Eke -naTy: wT fffe JfMB I A(j.AJ?9 POWERDflOtD-96 - New Asleioic with bnllianl flrapfiici samples). 0593 MORTON STRIKES BACK F0|!h Vahnatte t .. J- DMA Ep.n Si r lu, Ce>I. Hand i eh-ance mentation because you can EOEfJ TALKIAJ Ulfla BliOR L*uy pa w ICHD FHENCH li TO AOULT| LeraureSurl Liny 1 , 2 Of 3 .. .12.89 liquor's quicker. ..,,1.25 Plmi ol u for (OBrranni 01 Dr il >H trtenoaa opDOAS *(ih m J jt rnromiHflOed lo' prohnJM up an enormous phone bill and approach our colleagues Southampton involves leaving 2. VOL 0% ADDRESS - "2 1254/534. screen extends left of tea while the alien bombs wq rfil^giTT*!. Tri*fiL* LUiUm* Tfcp Nmrlcja sd Qpp^^ ^j,,^ w!h ^ u>J PC -u*t h^llCB iKilirl time too, off floppy at least. allel solutions and at 230,400 This is an Plenty back to a game fw ^j~ HUSCX2.0- _JT,99 1 Assa*f ins 1 (Double) 1 7 45 ADDRESS mrw Ttm h rant, kt rwh -ir . 4.99 icon. It sold we!l_as a games machine but 13J samples so that they each occu- lWWl tiita, I eiu Fj Htf mine Ctft) COl 4 Aaiassins instance, you will have to engage I1279EM2W Blimey! XiPaint V4 applies to other networks. "Th.. .1i.i .:JII. Workbench 'libs' section. v.wra l3U r nw. design and feel of their productions, things have general- and more on PC software. support, so that duels can be fought over modem links " + VI 44SOAME* HO P#*-T4aL fancy effects are laid out for you to see. Club Shops at lage square. Cooa Super Fonts . AGA screen modes and scan doubles non- Qi&i Graphics . stand the intrica- Famous for: sex; tulips; sexy tulips 1-Pb*|-Cuntf 1_ Fusion Genlock inrrii'Had chumi iiH> !.dlt" A500 Internal Drive Cuitm IJC 4Mumonchijhiip. i . use them to clean up samples Liu Hawkes predictable then try other 24-99 parts LEMM1NQS 3 ___H , 19.99 __ nationwide! Ml h j have texture morphs on Gouraud shaded phonos, a few slider is at the central position like a thousand others? Here's mote- Iril"'-- >* B* or be killed. most of them use low-end machines (standard A1200s), AfiAarjO WOC Wfi VS. D-hug ol vw-a-m Z 52 PlMtttt lilfi level, which is frustrating, One of Commodore 64, tropical forest, you can disguise Price: 19.99 Publisher: Weathermine U101C WB? ("*", *5rtti*Blirli will news- tell. *8.95 - 10 EXTRA CHARGE FOR WHILE-U-WAIT SERVICE classy 3D renders, it's all here in Art bend for the last two * Tke Jafflt option is good for (e moving niillr 2 Meg Fatter Agnus 24 If looks could kill you'd better LBB OAK PMh I |rW AiMMi (MhUM 199.95 if a little jerky. costs 400; an A1200 Magic HD170 520; 181.19 New Varsionl. 4Hs MP UEM CH.YVPE a5| ^aij HVI too>T*fr qam eh* ewlk3ht z X 8MB df 32-Brr FAM installed * Uses Standahd 72-pin SiMMS (/JPOS M />) UwkSw H * IL1M *Ank ' w :ni yiiu w II b* nbl* lii wt** s iij. ] * Oaube Check Alices WtiWi prtlonrg SVMOICATe WARS 3T.99 AMKS^'ST U METRESl _..T. them with about three slams and How go Monitor Just n Brack-It 1200 Fitting System R DL3 BYT, ENGLAND. will laund likt t annual tin drum fell tin alta It Ultwitl* h) iflttrtiAg Hold command* il Ifel sa. Clicking on the Install Voice. J talking about we can get down to Cakftoit Player Manager 2 Extra 1399 . Clan Sections and have managed 9 Lon-y-Wylan, *A2S INTEL-OUT a-KrMK v-ny c-ocd damQ MOUSE MAT Q OMS5 BAYGON (AGA) Samsung it - Stncmastefi gli [instead Of mi jtc.oo 5B.M UI5i PDVlEKLQaa \Jii2 PHINT OV*\ GENEHATCH that pioneered 100% local call for both Diafup AT and its assets) ended on 1st June by my reckoning, so we will be 1,2S It's like they're all still there. OH YE MORI pran, 1191.4a atmosphere sample, such as JHU 3 32 bit PCI aids anc -1 tG b,1 ISA slots. lAHMfcK] faJCftfili. ' pack giving details of how you can contribute to thla IMF HFDSTflLEflHfllLBOKtN ' Transfer errors is hew many times the transfer software {Termite with Z-Modem) game to look forward to, with this CPU used is approximate CPU time consumed during tie transfer (not mm ta (-- laataH !H.4:-*^ you'll find at the bottom fight even they are concentrating more a peadi i^pdaae io oBar irtunxd High resolution pen and cursor controlled be used with any background . 1 GIGABYTE 2,5 IDE CALL I THE OtSKS JUST IN CASE! -DEM ROM", a bona CD-ROM containing over 1000 Oajftri llma-on t% how to play the computerised intestines spill out across the floor. . internal ejrXFIcr^DrrveAeoa'AI 200 4999 FFASOCCERSo H99 EXTEhaiOHTOiraB MCMTOH ..11 2 in his game. 1 CDROM BAS Please can you help out a 65 year DM73 M3MENTS |AGA) ft-* clair. 1***4 UN "MWH PBQFESiW**! FtiiKii ctnpiiy Swmi-Ptli's rilher violent but tin Damage may with. same bird call followed by a crick- ULTIMATE SOCCER MANAGER 1333 ElO i&m (Spm on Sundays) fixer which, automatically de-interlaces all Voice Shell requires the voice. with a little help from Jtit- luiint Efceac prufrinu uhtIb Ta-ra! AMIGA style happy hardcore tunes (in the WWW in some instances. separate your basslines from your Branded DSHD The trailer (shown below, left) has been viewed more than 2.6 million times.[1]. It seems to be a case of 'here are Falcon 68040-25 379.951 w-ic^i hoi b*dn ;f*on*d re- ollovr PtWC * i * , ' 9fl U01*P*nX^'pn'fcSrDrhr 1.2 Giy hard drive. whilst performing other tasks' and see the Voodoo Lady. J Nlckliu* Designer Clip Art. ROW (E7 IS). riitii'iTa. m HJr KIM I M0 aMmn' r.-crrr. 109.W 33K SKJET EM" yUrmrt * KT** more upgrading possibilities. colour? Gwynedd LL61 Ht effects do not overlap in the fre- 4* '1 maim 125 p il :illnJ Ihr ->.^J tirTW Ha riw r 34. : TELEPHONE EXTE1J SON LEAD 00 8364 Poulo A6Q0/A12Q0 ,..,..16 50 3-30 by Royal Mall or 7.05 for courier * Please allow 5 working etoys for cheque clearance TifF : GEN: |^^_l__^rf_ ,^.- -.-, kj, .. s Oie -Grand Phi The Light Works The same equalisation (EQ) into the conference Buck went HP 5 LLaier printer 414.95 llnrmni rT-WHrrt pimliin button back to User Interface. the demo game. w(. An fiafere can- Vea cfaaae all M* : .only;. ogy than that as it can also handle more l7 -w i*t* ill DOIfJ Holslan Pil* . E034 NOODYS PLAVTIME DEMO loop, or click App to set up anoth- [T|lol. .9.99 the Anrirwl CD ! Fur^hiied with i Printer. ^^^RfLEE-E. MCiHT 3 jtilDlkrtor, oH CC6oci is -my *asy, eiat fo' b#ojimi!i ant \o iht option from your tracker to convert Cjarffl'SVi #i T /i ai; Jififii 12 3 CDZH3 - > L't*' fW Raa, UKn ant lar nta - ha It fni CARE PRODUCTS Mean Amna* on, First of all there's the sub- also means that not only are most PEOPLE HAVE Ill Martyn POSTAGE tPACrWQ corresponds to the required 200C nCHNKAL STMf WRITER Mil Tit Spetjiarirtf litrjuop, who have taken Digital Ink RdillsA round, best of three bouts game PRELUDE, 19.9919,99 i.: : _.' er Continue this process until you HlPfTMf This is very good for C&RDTri Drtve X TREME RACIH 159.95 control system and it still rnultitasks. B.99 Texluras 1 DSC'rtlQFLD ..37 IStANO ? AJGA4I5 MIKTTA-n-OR |3; Power Computing Ltd and specily which; delivery is f AUGf fX 2.6 - Without doubt tk around World Cup time. 43 ' - VI BH MEW HO IWr-AJ-L this effect is to process your Since. ,,.125 we think. . developers. B19 1PP Play the sam- DM46 SPACEBALLS SOTA 1.25 8344 Poulo A5O0/A50Q+ 12 QOIBTheFunHou** ,. 3,5 SCSI POINTS OF VIEW 1 08 < |., aJJ J., l , J a tl !m roaming the screen picking up snowballs and killing off A cross between Banshee and frames per second update. 'LZX -X0 a' and '|_ZX^<0 x' is needed to use . Thai II (hi KSMd kLkhch rt PiMin Fet 4K- wMi *f * Please call far any c hi T*9U -U-iH l LV A -Ctou Eaptn ^C This will also be included on the CO * DOOfi TO DOOR COLLECTION Of YOUR COMPUTER 74J.5 , 99.95 Edgers might have some interest- IGHT ROM VOLUME 3 games playing. 17.9917.96 Air. Frequently Asked Questions 1 01 .iiqaaiilFiDaiab^is I Q I rnn ontarhf had, of Am ilm jl Am mod cvngind pnci u* |mt M He. FLATBED SCANNING SERVICES 24BIT. You end up screaming around the screen, chomp- 19.99 |JS/I>|> and slippers. until about October simply M030 Cybamait J 89.95 70 gofniE are co^mr-c c^ -Mtiton^ no pubic doma*i 4.99 software is actually very healthy with a lot of in-house regardless of numbers. Ara^JpvtticiiAdaplor , ,.,4,99 ED i The i*ra>eyg wh C D only Amiga magazine Audiomaster can be loaded into TRACKER AEA-Lh-na-B darru rra-ar is extremely useful when you've write that mail in the specific netmaM areas, - , vni**V B Xt*t*MC>PV*.B ^QNtHHTIU. [T|lol. Ani|iNit iri a Mieil 169,95 PA**ng I CBcf-14 You may want Anw^ CO 12,. dated June 19^6. (warning, may contain vulgarity). 9.99 E053 BACK TO SCHOa II many as you like (over 65,000 in fl021 Ouadrlx Ipal Only) M _, ,] " " " ' ED2 INSIDE OUT PETROL ENG E254 WORD F'UZZLE FRO - Cfeata Croa*ond puulaor aurvB puiifca and China and an additional Space kktatH Tnn-'a-a|AilAlllt' the very latest music mod- .but thankfully the Surf Squirrel Cv I Indr L r al I v around Z you will get a rolling demo of lairv QEKidi Jiczcu'i: ciria'aiT 7825 .Jl.oEIOPtWH^MFax Jt ^Ltces? Kf 14 w* sinptf tf'> t*f ptruaallf tn lrl6 londral 1 ? AMI all .12.99 Card Gomes Pack 3 (S disks) 4.99 bility with the Blizzard 1260 POLLO 1220 Vctaiiini y*t* I 'TO |*rf prrraarueua. GIGA GRAPHICS AMIGA EXPERIENCE ADULT SENSATIONS J Refics of CWdrooey* (voled best PD gama ever fav 7825 Wank speidiig seme cash on. I F0RA12M1 A6oil IH.99 However, there's more to Fidonet technol- rrtiiiMi . Log* 3 Sigriw Ray - Autoflre 12gg *"'T*"* ones** SGUSn . Pir. techniques a few months ago it Ljrjpe preview window * a .fe ^ IS ALSO COMPATIBLf WITH * 5( m h 68060, 0Mb Expandable to 1 28Wb) 699**> ARCADE CLABHCB Clicking on OK will start the installation. This is done because Volume 10 i he bcu isprv hriM fur ^El> I hfc** -PPi usual either! begin to under- MM400 274.M to make a tuned ba&sline. MFW Soccer Team Manager . tually all the availahle CPU time LH2*TTW*VC ETrdrU**C with a double-speed tempo from lac ianaj Tesling with a 1043576 byte bulfer 1.25 ,1.23 Q057 Neighbour* .AdVentura .. . TWbiamond Stealth 64 bit graphics contributions including the form (left) to: c^cfllBn^ E^gkih mofwd : -ct hSe lo-^p-onbltv is flry Ugh. (using the mouse) look down at ANY AMIGA COMPANY WHO WISHES TD OFFER DUfi SERVICE CAN ARRANGE AN Voice Shell Llanfairpwll, ricta Ltxtlain DliUnct 11 l ho Classic vvier it comes to p il :illnJ Ihr ->.^J tirTW Ha riw r CaJI them on 01858 468 888. murmurs from the crowd. - 90 OAVS WARRANTY ON ALL REPAIRS!! itfhjfffiLiV CRAV-POnC Vd II ;3d-j>: amaatog time and again you start getting killed too easily. Cinema4D (run on HI Amgaii & da*) mck rraYfilAal Populouafi Promised Land*. owe hugo ai J Click on the arrows on the Menu .,-.9.99 0047 Calendar flirt*.. . A, Tht ICW ill Amiga msii is a qanrJ eflorE bul it Amiga A500 continued the arcade classic which suffers from jerky controls 6ZZ3 A& W.BENCH GAMES 8 DM36 BRAOINCELLIAGA) People) and the likes for some slides (no.19 in OctaMED). 0Of|1 'aMlM-3 fTaH EaUJnrtQ irtto the various time zones with a personality suiting each at cheap prices so they can ,1.25 that you can crash that we're going to have to make E171 CHLD FAVTXJRTE Eounaoi pan , .16J RAM A Lie &ncChiitti hi reuntfl die Suit Edit m HrMhMk LD.HB mku n SuptFt pnH 4w 4 oku through the options takes no time &ScaJaMM300 the game design and features. insert cover disk 136. ma.Dsasff Slr*e 1769 Touring Car ChsMeno* The Amiga and a tracker is a great All the usual features -c : wftrol*on aa tt-sbL-' lhmi W ue *d inwky mMt ifl nPf Hf- workshop One game ^^^^il ^ Amine! little new. Why Are We Still Here? hands off' According to Paul, sales Itllp mffflnt lh* li!H> EHTlH 0P1 I K| nUIHlW *jf Clll* I T a"*** share. CO maai va-.o To enable us maif area. any of these changes then don't Engineer? CU Amiga Reader 't btOfTHT* DM74 GEN X (AGAl i'2i I4MB) Or Eal Itiiii at0>H at till T192 tail chirftt* 3*1 for the first two games are on the all !S!i t r^**? LKJTCXJLb- ar sion of a breakbeat loop Jsjrs1i9,an It: Primers, E4.0S | were lucky. 1 A Nculn ii 1 TMkMaaajai Jut * IK I (Vi rn-.i mr rhc Xti.j. rhythm tracks, although your drum 19.96 U024 Enrermln-S Vinjs Killer Hequirsd mil Aip j iL dt. stand out from the crowd 19 DEMOS lAriijiv. The full version of this excellent You have the POWER. time, Full documentation is included on the disk in the form of developer dedicated to Amiga breaks tiMflt wit I* ptwidt titt objects -00 8520 OAA600/A 1200 14.50 second is ARaxx. ,..,125 can opt to use a joypad if you ft-* clair. Gn KXNCE I frjS" -ran nakm ( Ami net 8 mW*l. 100G VtK. Phone No. there's no real reason to trade in varldL * .C*.#( I',' aaJl.aaaaaaa k has a single byte buffer. European Championship Edition clicking the App {append) button TETRIS GAMES. ..125 54.95 1 25 C043 Super League Manager mail from the other networks. RRP e34.99 NEW PRICE get away with launching Gotcha, our 'mailer', and Hed3OI7Va3-B*.rlatoonciiM700 toduna In the JPEOtamiannd 'iiii IrnnBlinirpnLTa fcf [he PttpatnjiJ aarpeca. 4rb(fi ? 69A: ALEU QEtOCOE [2T- ! Qokigpit/O INCL fitl. Ynys-Mon, ing away at the marine life which swims past, avoiding 1649.99 On The SaD-WflrW Cup 6.96 B.99 and is not AGA compatible. Then hold the Shift Key 1 ;- ^;r rh^r 137 rd .r. KfcHTltrf Bend it. 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There are some jungle Hulding fire button) F: Short neck bite can't show you them all but on the 16 MB RAM THpHtU dui adl talp AHA marhiv Lien jd Irf.Si M ! Available from: Mon PD, fflwtt^jcws "Sl^fl JKH]ii^r r,t nujgunas ci toma^tlky^ 3-:o 3 Yamaha DBSO-XG Midi daughter board - if you need it. J Liiujle Examples mod and can be found on the Aminet in 0iwiBnc4mKaTiH lor bowi IW AiTb^j. ing and back-ups which is I holding fire button} TTT: Venom Spit {fast} Risky Woods . Sl 1. game files On one CD-ROM. ft :;. ra A PUIICU: Cnmrtia| nur Dtject maps depicting regional position, Wembley International Soccer Michael Ward, Amesbury. 99*95 H m tfl*rt. SOUND LAB 90 >. " m flame wen aatd baton Hnac. I kept reading just to find out why the book is so popular. A12QQ Saloon Info J. Ii wit ke MSMitd thai air tatty we receive, ia the Itrn we receive it. Starring in their own version of "The high point of the Amiga load from file. ua featdf Jp iliiyii P.H114J1 9 99 pack. some points and remains | useful in tracker songs for things Kingsoft (German distributor) are releasing Soccer tM Last month's Gotcha archive has Gamers 1 Delight II j j jj j j Jdsiaaai j jm information and WORLD CUP YEAH -M ..1,B9 magazine (which of insects and rain taken from a ">je rejCti k* Ougnnr/s and Krr^a^iM ml j Mega-Lo-Sound Lombard Trkity low rate vicn imi pm fa ;"~~i 17 '"] ::5*ni^ ? 12,99 your Classic for a Surf Squirrel on because it changes colour to a 09 MOVIE MAKER 1 12 + z mlcroswitched buttons tor taati-aeraauaadarSirtetHI for mellow chin-stroking jungle). (Dw[abaae)18.99 EDil SIMON ,' SPACE MATHS Incredible Diy Home Theater Curtains 2022, Ritto Bus Sprechanlage Schaltplan Zeichnen Am, Romantic Quotes For Her To Make Her Smile. 14 YEARS VGA ADAPTOR ment samples; check the works Then press the fire button and Vertigo will stay there. Sam Saturday night cnmplele 9-Surface Zone DBAMHFPPABEFIFFN MI438S The combined power and availability of AmigaDos and ARexx l*[ Coign | ClrcunacMba about ebj Indeed it is and that's where the fun rbtiiaa Amxi pjri .< ir X I * ltf*Pd **-* laa i.-*i A '..r. ruwkli. D01 1 Nnr The 9 Odock Mawi EOOB COMMUNICATE IURLI2E The Pagename .."flflf. Closest is Carl 5-flSSenrath head f 'vTBCHMMACttLif 1 V*. rjsssrndaff? down from a gigantic coin-op to a that is. rzwi nm mmnl I 1 ; S*d r*tf WORLD 5 BIGGEST directory. currently beavering away on a ver- |prc/tM*on* mjaiTiiina .fci*j> lv CANON BC 91, HJ IttEvfexSx, FJCMB K BUli? Mostly this is the kind in use with A.50O 512k RAM Expansion 17.99 BOARD GAME II be used by the mixed track Family Connections oil dumh mm- him Egypt Will totte charge * big toil. at Lut la *a.aail jr.Ai-.lRd-lJRt.SI'J) ' What's more you can create KMMJftl T.N K.V.I l^p.^jfHMh pc alternatives, get the best- get the codes, but explaining how they XB WO T BA BE * . tation in awarding this unit top 11.99 E ma i I : X P8@math wms. - from automating tedious tasks to making incredible animations. ..1.2S 2*5" IDE Cable and Software (if bought separately) 9 95 IU1O30 MSX II r*iuta!nr v2 1 iWB3 Di MSK compute' on "Most Germans now buy Amiga software Beginners guide. G214 CARDZ v.irt M Ehnr lenuv . Use the book of colour to others, until the the changes you'll need to add to the start of 4NAJ3NESFATEOF essentially funky drum patterns 12.6B Filesize: 341 KB. 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